Thursday, February 24, 2022

Retreat Day!

Because my truck was gone for five days. And because we've had bad weather, I've only been out of the house once in two weeks. I am so looking forward to seeing quilting people again! 

While I'm waiting for the retreat doors to open at 10:30, I'm going to get a few stitches into Debs quilt and pack up what I forgot to pack last night. There's always those few items you remember while showering. 

Here's some of the detail going into Debs quilt...

Inside corners

The arcs

The leaves
I'll keep chipping away at this during the weekend while I'm here. Probably not a whole lot because I'm usually bushed when I finally arrive back home at night. But maybe in the mornings if I get up early enough.

While Jim has been home during our ice storm, he's been working on my thread cabinet. He's waiting for some more glides to arrive before he can finish, but it's in the studio and he loaded it up with the threads I had in the ugly plastic cart. And in baskets. And in bins. 

My new thread cart
I'm going to have to do some rearranging I think because he's also made a ruler rack to go on the side and it's going to interfere with the ruler rack on the wall if I don't rearrange. Not a problem. I'm flexible!

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...