Thursday, September 28, 2023

No Leaks

It's always a crap shoot when you tie an addition into an existing structure. Will the junctions meld well are they water proof? The last two days worth of rain has shown us that we did okay. No visible water entering the new studio! Yay! 

We have finally committed to an electrical contractor (groan at the price) but given what I do for living, electricity being done correctly is not negotiable. He'll be starting on Wednesday next week. I don't know how long I'll be down since this is a three day job, but it's a possibility at least one partial day will be electric free. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Louises quilt...

Cucumber Vine filler

Pretty first border!
I decided each border got its own thread color, so there are at least four thread changes there. Plus the large leaves in the flowers, so there's another. Each advance will require all those thread changes, and once again, this is a beast of a quilt. Yep, next week at the earliest before it's done. And without electricity one (or more) days, well...

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


I don't know what it is lately, but I can't stand garment tags against my skin. Drives me bananas. The top I put on this morning immediately came off, I retrieved my seam ripper, and started hacking away on not only this top but the one I wore yesterday too. Ugh. Maybe it's an older person thing. I don't remember having issues with this as a younger person. 

And what's with the getting up earlier than usual but getting the same start time in the studio? Oh, that's because one of the boys called this morning while on his way to class.

Anyway, here's some of the quilting on Donna's baby quilt I worked on yesterday...

Utiilzing the fabric as the filler
And I bet ya can't guess what type of quilt is on DW? Ha, you got it. Another Flea Market. This is Louise's and it's a jumbo!
It's a Jumbo!
This one measures 104" x 114"; a nice king-sized with plenty of drape. She added four borders total which is how she got it so large. But large borders make for more quilting time. Especially since I don't flip my quilts to do the side borders but rather chunk them as I go. And with the dark fabric in the smallest border, that will be a thread change every time. 

The other time issue is that the backing is only a 108" backing. This only gives me 2" on each side meaning I have to pin extra leaders with every roll. This one won't be done by Saturday morning I'm afraid.

We have nice weather ahead and except for today (because the dirt is now wet/heavy) I'll be hauling dirt all weekend. We have to get the pile gone so we can get the girls moved before it gets cold. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Making Progress

Sandy's quilt is nearly done. I should be able to finish it out today. One row and the borders yet to go. 

After Jim got home from work yesterday we dove right into the [new] studio putting up the peak in the gable truss and while he was putting in the overhang boards, I was shoveling dirt. 

This is where we left off last night...

Dirt pile #2 being slowly removed

The small end pieces still missing
Once the gable is fully enclosed, we'll have to cover it with house wrap. And get a vent in there too.

No studio work tonight unless it's inside work. We have to stub out the bathroom and start preparing for the window installation, but I think Jim is making salsa tonight instead. It's rainy and gloomy and is supposed to be that way through tomorrow. 

I'll continue with Sandy's quilt. Move over to Donna's once that's removed and while frame ironing the next backing going onto DW. A productive and probably long day in the current studio today. I LOVE IT!

Monday, September 25, 2023

Not Much to Share

We did a little bit of everything this weekend. The only sewing I did was on two 100 blocks. Yep, that's it. 

The rest of the weekend was spent moving dirt, steam cleaning the furniture, washing all the downstairs quilts, mowing, trimming, visiting my mom, and taking Sunday afternoon to just relax and rejuvenate. Jim and I go 100%  during the week, and let's face it, we're not 21 anymore. We need a half day to let our bodies recoup because we know, until this addition is done, we have a lot of work ahead during the week. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Sandy's Flea Market if that helps?

I love the texture wool batting provides
Hazel and Lucy were being silly on the couch yesterday. I got a few good pics of them playing but this is my favorite... 

Mostly more Flea Market work today and then when Jim gets home, more dirt work. Yeah, when you only haul it a buggy load at a time (in our ATV), it takes a while to diminish the huge piles down. And we need to prepare the girls' new pen shortly to get ready for winter so the south pile needs to get out of here. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Long Arm Summit

Several long armers are taking part in a Long Arm Summit hosted by Marygoround Quilting. The first two days are free and it started yesterday. After all the customers visited yesterday I tuned in. Or I tried to. They were experiencing technical issues. I couldn't log in on the iPad. 

I then tried the Mac and I could get in that way, but I can not afford to sit here in the other room watching videos. I need to quilt. So that's kind of a bust. Unfortunately. I was really looking forward to discoursing with other long armers and taking part in the event.  

Here's what's on DW for the next few days...

Sandy's Flea Market
How many of these does this make now? I've lost count. Good thing I really like doing them, huh?

Here's what I loaded on Bernie last night...
Cute baby quilt!
Donna actually wants some custom work in this one (and I'm so glad she does). I'll have fun playing with this over the next few quilting days.

I say "quilting" days because we have new studio work to do. A lawn to deal with. Some extra heavy house chores I've neglected (steam cleaning the couches and Jims chair just to start) so I'll be working this weekend, but not doing long arming work. 

Speaking of [new] studio work, Jim has spent the last few days enclosing the overhangs and getting the gable end closed up as well. He'll be working on that tonight and then he can cross that off his list. Meanwhile, we have another electrical contractor coming tonight; we needed to do something about these ridiculous bids we have received because they are way out of reach for us. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023


I'm starting to get my mojo back. Well, I never really lost my mojo, just redirected into the construction realm. Here's what's on DW today...

Christmas Table Topper
This is getting an edge to edge, but I'm driving. I can't find a file I like in my library so I'm just going to do it myself. I'm going to put some gold Holly leaves and berries all over. Per the customer request.  

Here's what's on Bernie today...

Donna's Guild Challenge
This is getting custom work done but shouldn't take too awful long since it's so small. 

Here's some of the quilting that went into yesterdays work...
Blustery Breeze E2E via computer

The top portion is me. The bottom is the hand quilting previously done.

And we can't computerize E2E without some type of issue. There's a blue "track" that the computer follows which has started to become rather loose; lost its grip if you will. Yesterday it totally shifted and DW was just randomly stitching whatever he wanted instead of the chosen pattern since he couldn't find the track. 

I found out Elmers Glue isn't strong enough to hold the two plastic pieces together. Luckily I found the E6000 rather quickly and got everything adhered down so I could begin again after lunch. But first...unsewing. 

Removing the "wandering" computer work
The nice thing about removing stitches is the room is quiet and I can catch up on a few podcasts while I'm working. I have my high stool that I sit on, surround myself with all my tools and push play. It's all good. 

Two sets of customers expected today to drop off. Not sure when but apparently Pieces is having some type of sale and they are all coming for the sale and hitting two birds kind of thing. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Electrical Quotes

We have two electrical quotes in so far. OMG! Not sure when we're going to be able to afford that pricey situation. It's disheartening for sure!

I guess I better quilt more quilts. Speaking of which, here's what's on DW today...

Joans Summer Breeze
This is a much smaller quilt than I've been doing lately so it shouldn't take days and days to do. 

The next quilt on Bernie is a different situation altogether. 

Here I am hand sewing on a leader...
Yes, <Gasp> I'm hand sewing.
Because this quilt has been "finished" to include the binding I have to get extra leaders hand sewn on. She started hand quilting it but can no longer do hand quilting, so I've got this project to work through for her. 
An already "finished" quilt is on Bernie today
I'll be working on this one while DW is over doing his thing later this afternoon. Meanwhile, I've been on the phone all this morning so far (mom just got back from the U.P. on a mini-vaca) and so I'm finding myself a little behind already. I suppose the early start yesterday makes up for it, right? 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Back in the "Old" Studio

Yesterday was back in the saddle. Still working on Nancy's quilt and am on section number four today. Didn't get any pics of the preceding sections other than the first one. Sorry.

Jim worked on the "new" studio last night getting the little flappy section put in on the roof and started encasing the overhang with lumber. That's about all that's fit to print. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Zero Piecing, Zero Quilting

Not one thread was put into fabric this weekend. Instead, screws, nails, wood, sheet metal, and a lot of caulk was used to prepare for fabricology in the future. 

Here's a few pics of this weekends construction progress...

Getting the last of the roof boards on. Ben and Caleb being themselves.
We had a weird cut in the section Ben is nearest and it took a while to get everything fit in. Ben and I had gotten most of the rest of the roof boards on before Caleb and Lia arrived that morning.
Starting after lunch to get the metal on.

Friday pretty much ended here. 
So now the west side (save for that little flappy piece) is done. The dew started falling early and we still had to clean up for the day and a decision to save the east side for Saturday was made. 

Then Alisha got a text from her mother and they announced Ben and family would be leaving late morning on Saturday. Meaning, we only had Ben for a few hours for that east side. 

I was done being on the roof. My body was telling me I'm not 20 (or even 40) anymore. And I hadn't been sleeping well all weekend so I wasn't on my A game. Lia volunteered to get up there and she and Caleb finished the east side and even got the ridge cap set in. They also helped move the windows from the workshop in the garage into the new studio structure to get ready to be placed in. 

We have AWESOME kids!

Once we bid them farewell (they have a life too and needed to take off mid-afternoon) Jim and I continued on with the wrapping. Here's where we left off on Saturday night...

East side

 West side
At some point, Caleb asked what was on my birthday list for this year. "You're covered Caleb and Ben!" Their manual labor and know-how is birthday wish granted!

Jim can handle most all the other little details needed to be done without me except maybe closing in the gable end. I'll need to help raising up the wood I suspect.

So, back to a regular long arm week and I'll be starting with getting Nancy's quilt done hopefully. I'm not loading anything else onto DW for a day or so or I'll be tempted to put Nancy's Witches on hold.  

The one thing I am bummed about is my inability to get to AQS Grand Rapids. Once again. But honestly, I don't have a pressing need for any quilting supplies at the moment. It's a long trip. Gas isn't cheap. And I was needed here to deal with construction stuff for MY new studio. It's only fitting I didn't go. But, still bummed. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Another construction Day

Jim took the day off because the kids are here ready to work. In fact, I already hear a saw running despite the heavy dew we received last night.

Meanwhile, I finished Debs quilt last night although it's still on the frame. It's going to stay there out of little hands' reach. I moved over to Nancy's Witches afterwards until Jim got home and we could work on the roof boards.

Here's some of the quilting going into the Witches...

Walking along the bricks
Today's goal is to get the roof on the new studio. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Beautiful Weekend Expected

And thank goodness for that! We have two of the boys coming up tonight and tomorrow to help with the sheet metal and any other things we can get into during the time frame we have them.

Here's some of what's going into Debs quilt...

I love what I'm putting into the actual heart border

Continuous curves, feathers, and meandering hearts

While I was taking a coffee break around 3:00 yesterday, I heard a beep, beep truck coming down our driveway. This arrived!

Ready to put the roof on now
It's the dark green metal we put onto the barn. We have to re-roof the house and the garage next year and we want to put on the same dark green metal roofing. This puts us one step ahead.

We worked until nearly dark last night getting the rest of the stringers put on, but they're there. I'll be on the roof tonight and Ben will join me when he arrives later this evening. IF he gets here before dark. 

All the stringers are attached and we're ready for a work weekend
Jim has some "fixing" to do from the ground while the boys and I are airborne; the overhang on the first 1/3 of the SW corner, some overhang on the sill plate, and faceplate (I think that's what it's called) installation under the rafters. 

We have a guy coming tonight as well to give us an insulation estimate. Jim wants to have it spray foamed, but we'll have to see where we are at with cost. And tomorrow night the electrician is coming to do the same. We won't need to get it wired anytime soon, but we're having some flicker/dimming issues in the house even with Jim just running his skill saw so he's going to look into that issue as well. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Calling When Questions

Thankfully, I'm not afraid to call when I have a question about a quilt top. I've heard horror stories out there about reclusive people who are shy and simply make the decision for the customer. It sometimes doesn't turn out well. 

I had to call Deb today to ask about this quilt... 

Exploding Heart by Slice of Pi Quilts
This is a very popular pattern right now and frankly, I'm surprised this is the first one I've received. I wanted to put some kick-butt filler in all that negative space, but called Deb to define who the recipient would be. She indicated to have it quilted a little less dense. See, I'm glad I called. 

Meanwhile, the rains have stopped (for now) and construction commenced last evening. Jim ran the next six rows of stringers on the east side last night. We have two more rows on the east and three (I think) on the west. If we can get those done tonight we can maybe toss some roof boards up there for me to start on (again).  

String, string, stringers
The boys are suppose to come up this weekend to assist in getting the sheet metal on once I get the plywood, ice guard, and felt paper up there. Hopefully I can get all that done in the next two nights.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Rained Out

Our construction last night was a complete wash out. It was pouring rain and the lake has (temporarily) come up about six inches. It'll be back down in a day or so.

Jim canned salsa and I quilted. Speaking of rain, we weren't supposed to get any more today and as I look out the window above the computer, it's pouring again. 

I'll be finishing Ann's quilt today. Here's most of the thread going into it...

That's a lot of thread changes
I think I've added three more colors since I grabbed this pic yesterday morning. 

We're hoping the rain stops soon and things get a little dried out so stringers can be started on the east side of the new studio. It needs that stability and should we get some nasty winds, the situation could get dicey. 

Monday, September 11, 2023


Everybody in the neighborhood is afraid of heights. Except me. I respect them, but I'm not afraid of being up high. Having made that declaration, guess who's on the roof getting roof boards attached? 

Getting the trusses up on Saturday afternoon
It only took about two hours to get those trusses in. Thank goodness we had people who were helping that actually knew what they were doing. 

This is Saturday night after a few stringers were attached...
Getting the stringers attached
Jim miscalculated the amount of lumber needed to attach all the stringers. And since I don't hammer well, decided we needed to purchase some more screws (1,750 of them) to get the roof boards attached. We went shopping Sunday morning and here I am working well into the early afternoon attaching what we could with what lumber we had...
This will be my job in the evenings this week. We are supposed to get rain all day today (it's actually starting here) and part of tomorrow. So I suppose being on a wet roof isn't going to happen tonight. 

Meanwhile, I've never been so happy to get back on the big machines after a weekend of exterior work. Not only did we have to work construction, but the yard needed minding and that was yesterday afternoons project since we were out of lumber. Yay long arming! 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Making Headway

This is what Ann selected for a background filler on her Flea Market. I'm halfway through the second row so almost halfway done.

Cucumber vines and leaves
Because we had such nice (cooler) weather last night, I snugged up the quilting and then headed out to assist in more construction. We are nearly ready to get those trusses up. We have three more wall boards to get in (just small ones) and then the fun begins. 

We ran out of nails and the bit for my screws became stripped, so at dusk we were done. 

Already this morning we've been out putting in header supports and Jim is in town exchanging two pieces of 7/16" plywood for (36) 1/2" pieces that will get put on the trusses once they're set. 

Just as we were finishing up last night our neighbors, a few doors down to the north, stopped by to check on our progress. Wow, do we have GREAT neighbors (save for the one). They are coming over later this afternoon to assist in the truss work. And, the one neighbor loaned us his heavy duty scaffolding to use in this huge undertaking. 

Our trusses aren't normal trusses. Most are made out of 2x4's and since I decided it would be cool to have a cathedral ceiling, they had to be built out of 2x6's instead. They. Are. Heavy! And long. 28 feet, so not only are they heavy, but very awkward to handle. Those are them laying on the floor. 

Here's our progress as of last night's finish...

First thing this morning

Hopefully it's going to look a lot different in about eight hours.

Friday, September 8, 2023


While doing laundry yesterday, I rolled my ankle. On that thin little Spartan football carpet in front of the washer and dryer of all things. I roll my ankle a lot. But this time it severely bruised the top and around the arch of my foot. I quit quilting last night around 6:00 because it hurt too badly to stand. 

It's feeling better today, but not 100% by any means. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Ann N.'s top...

Feathers, vines, and leaves
After my nail appointment this morning, I'm going to work on this as much as my foot will let me. The weather has finally quit resembling Georgia conditions and so work on the studio tonight should commence. Last night the rain was enough to keep Jim off the job and instead groom Hazel, which she desperately needed. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Great Quilt Tops

The Flea Market top/quilt I did for Cindy S. and just pulled off last night was such a pleasure to quilt. Nicely measured borders, most seam threads were trimmed, blocks lined up nicely, no rips or tears that I had to repair. I relish those tops I get to do! 

Here's what's on DW for the next few days...

Flea Market of a different color
This autumnal tones are going to be a nice change from the "usual" Flea Markets I've done thus far...and have more to do. It'll require more thread changes but I'm all for that just to change things up a bit. 

While frame ironing the backing for this one, I was out working on the studio walls. Jim drew me lines so I could easily get my screws in there. We decided hammering wasn't my forte and while screws are a lot more expensive, they suite me better. This way he can be doing something else without hearing me colorfully talking to the walls as I miss (yet again) another nail head. And hit my thumb. 

While I was working on the walls he was building/installing window and door headers. He only has one more to do and that's another thing off our list. 

Walls are going up and the headers are going in
More of the same today. It seems like the weather is [finally] cooperating with us for both our jobs and our construction adventures. Let's hope this carries on!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hot and Muggy

I think I've said this on my blog before, but if I wanted to live in Georgia I would move to Georgia. This weather is great should we have our lake, but when just going outside causes one to start sweating, and without having our lake, the temps/humidity are almost unbearable.  

At any case, we started late on the building last night, but not because of the weather. Jim and I both worked late and it was probably a blessing since the working conditions Mother Nature was providing weren't ideal.

I should be getting the Flea Market quilt done today and another one is expected right behind this one. Although, colored a bit differently. 

Here's our progress on the new studio but the mosquitoes chased us in last night and quite honestly, we had run out of nails/screws...again...

Wall boards are going up
It's hard to see, but the west side is almost done and we've started the south side. Jim has to cut a small piece for the west side and he'll do all his cutting at once, which is why we can't say it's actually done. 

Rain expected this afternoon; we'll have to see what exactly we get before we can determine whether we get out and do any construction tonight. 

One customer coming this morning to drop off and then I have the rest of the day to work minus the thunder boomers expected later. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Long Weekends Are Good

Most of the weekend was spent working on the new studio addition. We had to come inside during the heat of the day (1-4) because, of course, it was in the high 80's with pretty high humidity. And there is not a lick of shade there during that time. We've come to the conclusion that Jim and Colette are cold weather people. 

This is where we left off last night at dusk...

Walls are pretty much done
Jim still has to get the braces up for the small window, and the header boards in for all of the windows. The trusses are moved inside to start getting up in the air once we get the wall boards on which will be tackled this week. 

I did manage to get this quilt loaded and started on Saturday morning while Jim was doing pickles...

Another Flea Market
This one is for Cindy S. and it's not quite as big as the others I've done thus far, so it shouldn't take me as long to complete. There is chatter about thunder storms tomorrow, so that may cut into the quilting time. Happy short week!

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Go Green!

Our football game last night against the CMU Chippewas was a win. We quit working on the studio walls because the mosquitoes decided to start showing themselves at dusk, and Jims mind was on the game I think. 

We have the west walls built and have started on the east walls. 

East walls built!
This morning Jim is attending a township meeting for more dam information and I'm heading over to Pieces of Thyme to deliver two quilts. And...maybe do a little shopping???

Frame ironing for the next quilt is nearly complete and I'll load the next [Flea Market] top once I've returned from my deliveries. 

More construction this afternoon once we get done with our errands/meetings.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Getting An Early Start

I was up well before I was ready this morning, but knew I needed to get going for the day since we have a long weekend ahead of us. Most of it will probably be spent working on the new studio since the weather is looking to maybe [finally] cooperate. 

Here's some of what's going into Paulette's quilt...

A little of this, a little of that
DW is driving the actual block quilting, but I'm doing the sashing, the borders and the cornerstones. As well as all the ditching. 

Our trusses arrived yesterday...

They're here!
And it's important they don't sit on the ground for too long, which is why we need to get the walls erected. The trusses are actually resting on scrap wood, but just above the lawn. They can still pull moisture from the proximity they are at in relation to the ground so we need to move along with this. 

I'll continue with Paulettes quilt today and get it done. And, maybe hers and Susans will be delivered later on this afternoon. Time to get to it!

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...