Monday, September 25, 2023

Not Much to Share

We did a little bit of everything this weekend. The only sewing I did was on two 100 blocks. Yep, that's it. 

The rest of the weekend was spent moving dirt, steam cleaning the furniture, washing all the downstairs quilts, mowing, trimming, visiting my mom, and taking Sunday afternoon to just relax and rejuvenate. Jim and I go 100%  during the week, and let's face it, we're not 21 anymore. We need a half day to let our bodies recoup because we know, until this addition is done, we have a lot of work ahead during the week. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Sandy's Flea Market if that helps?

I love the texture wool batting provides
Hazel and Lucy were being silly on the couch yesterday. I got a few good pics of them playing but this is my favorite... 

Mostly more Flea Market work today and then when Jim gets home, more dirt work. Yeah, when you only haul it a buggy load at a time (in our ATV), it takes a while to diminish the huge piles down. And we need to prepare the girls' new pen shortly to get ready for winter so the south pile needs to get out of here. 

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