Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Calling When Questions

Thankfully, I'm not afraid to call when I have a question about a quilt top. I've heard horror stories out there about reclusive people who are shy and simply make the decision for the customer. It sometimes doesn't turn out well. 

I had to call Deb today to ask about this quilt... 

Exploding Heart by Slice of Pi Quilts
This is a very popular pattern right now and frankly, I'm surprised this is the first one I've received. I wanted to put some kick-butt filler in all that negative space, but called Deb to define who the recipient would be. She indicated to have it quilted a little less dense. See, I'm glad I called. 

Meanwhile, the rains have stopped (for now) and construction commenced last evening. Jim ran the next six rows of stringers on the east side last night. We have two more rows on the east and three (I think) on the west. If we can get those done tonight we can maybe toss some roof boards up there for me to start on (again).  

String, string, stringers
The boys are suppose to come up this weekend to assist in getting the sheet metal on once I get the plywood, ice guard, and felt paper up there. Hopefully I can get all that done in the next two nights.

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...