Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Happy Hunting Day

Jim has taken the next few days off to try to procure a deer or two. He misses his venison meat and last year was an unsuccessful hunting year. In fact, I believe it's been two years in a row he hasn't gotten anything. Doesn't help that now that his land is sold downstate, he's having to hunt on other peoples' land. 

At any rate, he'll be in and out for the remainder of the week. Meanwhile, I've whipped up a pot of chili for him this morning and now I'm heading to the studio. 

Bernadette's quilt is done but still on the frame. Took way longer than I had hoped. Had several phone calls yesterday that needed to be handled. Here's a better pic of the quilting that went into her quilt...

Better Pic
Moving over to Janice's once I get Bernadettes off, billed, recorded, trimmed, and called. I'll be frame ironing the next one on Bernie once I get to that point and while I'm working on Janices. See why I have two long arms?

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...