Monday, November 27, 2023

Snowy Monday

I think we've finally moved into winter. Very cold temps this morning (mid-20's) and we have a light snow coming down right now. We got a dusting over night and yesterday we received almost an inch. 

It makes all the Christmas decorations in the house even more appropriate now that it actually resembles Christmas outside. 

I worked on this little guy intermittently throughout yesterday. I still need to make his bow tie, but here's my first prototype. 

I like to always make one "for myself" project when delving into something new. Like sewing. Which is not quilting. And I learned a few things about this prototype. 
1. Don't use interfacing. Take the time to actually quilt the layers first. 
2. Be careful around the turns and round parts. Take them slower to make sure a curve is actually achieved. 
3. I suck at ladder stitching the back closed. Press those seams over first before turning so fighting with it when stitching it closed doesn't occur. 
4. Get the correct eyes and nose pieces before attempting another bear. Sewing on buttons ranks right up there with ladder stitching. 

That's all I can think of right now. But I'll refer back to this list when making my next one. Or better yet, I'll make notes on the actual directions. 

See the letters behind Teddy? I'm ready to start straight line quilting those tonight after getting out of the studio. I have a temporary sewing area set up in the dining room right now to get those done this week. 

But, it is Monday and it's time to get back to my "real" job. Man am I glad I don't have to go out somewhere in the weather and punch a time clock for somebody else. I have a great life! Here's what I'm working on today...

For Louise's granddaughter for Christmas
I'm putting a horse-y edge-to-edge in here. While DW is working, I'll be working on Reta's All Hallows Eve quilt on Bernie. Don't know what I'm going to put into that yet; still thinking on it. 

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