Wednesday, November 1, 2023

House Cleaning

Every once in a while I need to take a morning out to just clean up the house a bit. Bathrooms, stairs, change out the monthly wall hangings, wash area rugs and seasonal quilts. Since those dreaded chores are now out of the way, the fun part of the day can begin.

Martha's quilt is about 2/3 of the way complete. I have the sashing strips in the third row to do and then will move onto the last row. This quilt has a lot of thread changes, and different quilting areas requiring me to roll back and forth.

Some of the quilting
I discovered yesterday (or actually remembered) that Golden Doodles are like velcro to leaves. The Catalpa tree shed most of its leaves yesterday because it was pretty cold yesterday morning. The girls love to play in the leaves and it was fun watching them romp and wrestle around out there. Until we had to come in.

Yep, all over her body
And you can't just wipe them away like a normal short haired canine. These have to be aggressively brushed out with a wire and then smoothing brush. After I was done quilting for the day and before I lost daylight, I was out in their pen getting rid of all those leaves. And getting dog poo stuck in the lugs of my boots because the leaves were hiding all of that as well.

And I said autumn was my favorite season?

Starting to think about next week. Leaving on Tuesday for retreat down in Shipshewana for the week. My last vacation until the end of January and I'm so excited. I'm pondering which machine to take. I think Lilo (my HQ Stitch 210) because he's small and light to carry and I have an extra Sew EZ table for him to give me some extra sewing space.

I cut some more pieces out for the cowboy boots and I think I have about 35 sets done. I need 68 and I'll cut a few extra for, well, extras. Happy November!

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