More on the bugs thing in a minute. I'm about half-way done with the 'tis the Season quilt and I'll continue on with that as best as I can given what the bugs did to me last night.
When I was finishing Bernadettes Quilted Witch yesterday, the pumpkin I quilted didn't set well in my head. Here's the before...
I back rolled and did a modification. Here's the after...
Did some matchstick fill |
Doesn't that look better?
I was working on Bernie in the afternoon and after being done for the day I was going to switch to Foster to work on Arcadia Avenue. BUT, the temps are calming down and it was a rather nice day. There are a number of outdoor chores that needed to be done, and Jim was in here canning peaches so decided to head outside to work.
Dumb idea.
After picking up doggie poo, mowing and weed whipping the pen, I moved to the privacy fence to start digging up the flowers to move them into nether regions of the yard. The area I took them from is going to be the girls' new pen; the one they are in currently was a temporary during construction.
I got those all transplanted and then still had some daylight to work with. I grabbed the post hole diggers and tape measure to start getting their new permanent post holes dug. Jim had some pressure cooker downtime and came out to help me. We have rock hard clay and I was making very little headway. While he was doing that I grabbed a couple of buckets and headed to the lake to get water for the new transplants.
After that was done, Jim had to head back in to work more on his peaches and I dug the last post hole on the east side by myself. I was about spent after that yet need to work more on the west end. Maybe tonight? Or maybe not. Look at what happened to my eye during all of this...
Swollen |
Something bit me and it's so swollen I can only look straight ahead or down. There is no looking up. I hate bugs!
If I get the 'tis the Season finished today I'll be moving over to this one on DW...
Stack and Wack |