Friday, March 19, 2021

Honking and Cleaning

With the sun changing angles it lets me know just how dirty/linty the studio windows get. This morning was spent cleaning the insides of the large windows all while being honked at by a goose that apparently has lost its flock because it is just carrying on all by its little self down at the lake.

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Becky's Christmas Top

Nothing sewing ever happened last night because I took advantage of the quiet house to rework my web site hosting/domain hosting situation. What a CF! 

I was either on the phone, on a text thread, or both at the same time trying to move from WIix to Vista Prints hosting, all while parking my domain at Name Cheap so I can move it easier in the future should the need arise. 

I'm pretty tech savvy, but this was an acronym nightmare while trying to understand what all the wonderful technical support people were trying to tell me. It looks as though we have the situation under control, and the web site is in limbo for now. People can still see the Wix site, but it's soon moving to the Vista Prints site probably in about a week. 

Long arming this morning. The neighbors are coming up later and are taking their pontoon downstate to be sold. The result of not having a "real" lake for two to three more years. I'm sad. I love their pontoon and we have already made so many great memories even for the short time we've been here. 

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