Monday, March 1, 2021


Since our flood 9 months (has it only been that long?) our water quality has begun to deteriorate. Rapidly. Our softener and R/O system can't seem to keep up with the ever changing extremely low water table. And then we had a power outage two weeks ago and that seems to have really sent the softener into a tailspin. 

This is my sterling silver ring after noticing last week the rotten egg smell and the high salinity when rinsing out my mouth after brushing my teeth. 

Water issue
Culligan will be here Thursday morning.

Did not do any long arming this weekend AT ALL! Had my top draped over the machine admiring it before folding it up today to put it away until a backing is obtained.

But I did do some long arm communication with the AIQ squad via Zoom yesterday. That was fun. But we are all feeling a little neglected and shoved aside from the HQ folks. I know "the thing" has a lot to do with it, but an occasional bit of communication would be stellar.

I did do a little sewing though while Jim was called on out Saturday. Another 10 string blocks and a new layout. And since this layout pretty much calls for an 8 x 8 setting, I'm deducing the blocks number to 64 rather than the 100 originally planned. It's going to be a nice size quilt top even with the reduction since the blocks are finishing at 10 1/2". 

New string layout
I'll put them together in 4 x 4 quadrants, but these are not nearly as strict in their placement. Clearly. 

Loading a new customer quilt today. I don't know which one but there will be a pic tomorrow of who was next in line to get completed. 

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...