Monday, July 18, 2022

A Day For Just Us

Jim and I wanted to do something together yesterday. Just the two of us. No other family. No dogs. 

We ended up exploring some of the beaches of Lake Huron. We couldn't venture too far away as Jim was/is on call starting last Friday through this next Thursday. But we found a dog friendly beach (though, they are required to be on a leash...which is like teasing the dogs I think). There was a Nor'easter coming off the water and it wasn't nearly as warm there as it was here when we left, nor when we arrived back home. 

But it was a wonderful day. We ate candy, junk food, found a cool place called Freakin Pickles that has great tasting/snappy pickles and the weather was perfect. We watched children swim, people eating food at the beachside, walked a pier, looked at some history, was amazed at how many May Flies were still around this late in the year, and just enjoyed the relaxed timeline and exploring options. Any day with my best friend is the best!

But it's Monday and back to work. Here's some of the quilting detail going into Diane's quilt...

A lot of texture
Here are a few projects I have in the works right now. I did a little of both of these yesterday morning (before we decided to head out to the beach) and Saturday afternoon after I returned back from Pieces.
A small carry-all bag

A striped top
The striped top is from a book I purchased earlier this summer and the bag is from the sidewalk sale Pieces had last month. 

Those are my "treats" after I get done working on the long arm all day. :-)

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...