Monday, July 11, 2022

White Elephant Auction

We have a  white elephant auction every year at the reunion. I have, in the past 10 years or so, donated a quilt to the cause. The more money we obtain can cover lot rent for those who are strapped financially, for all the weekends food, and any other incidentals that pop up. 

The quilt last year only brought $150 dollars. I get half and the reunion fund gets the other half. I decided to take one and, IF, nobody asked about it, would not get it out. And, nobody did until a half hour after the auction ended. Which made my decision for me. I'll have one in the wings.

We are still trying to get unpacked/cleaned up from the weekend but I plan to be in the studio after lunch and get back to some normalcy. 

Just a small portion of auction attendees.

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