Thursday, July 28, 2022

[Another] Milestone

Checked my stitch count yesterday on the long arm. 

70 million!
While I was long arming I realized I hadn't seen Lucy in a while. I usually check on her every 10 minutes or so until she settles down for her morning nap. A quiet puppy is a puppy who's into something she shouldn't be. This is where I eventually found her...
Zonked out. Now how am I supposed to roll this forward?
I was IM-ing with my Handi Quilter friends around the country while I was working and didn't realize how much I miss them until after we got to talking. We need to plan a reunion or something. 

Still working on Jodie's third quilt today. I ran into an energy wall early last night (lack of sleep the past few days). I'm doing something with Jodie's quilt I've only ever done once before. I'm doing the horizontal borders first, unloading the quilt, turning it 90 degrees, and then completing the remaining two sets of borders. If there's one thing long arming will teach a person it's to be flexible. 

I have two customers coming this morning and one coming this afternoon to drop off. Now if I could get customers to come and pick up to balance the scales it would be great. 😊

Waiting for Pick-up

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...