Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Zoom Calls

Zoom calls are fantastic and provide the ability to connect with people around the world. Including my new web hosting company (which will go live in about two weeks). This morning I was talking to the UK about this very thing. 

Meanwhile, I had to ply the dogs with hidden treats in their toys to keep them occupied. Which worked well. 

Monica's third quilt is quilted, but still hanging out on the frame. I have a customer coming to drop off later this morning, sheets are in the dryer (there is a threat of rain in the air) and at some point, I have to start packing. Jim and I have to mow this afternoon, get food tonight, get the fridge going in the trailer (which can often times be a real hassle) and whew, breath somewhere in there. 

Lucy has discovered the lake. Which is not good. So she is basically on-leash while we are outside because otherwise that's where she makes a beeline for every time we let her out. And the lake is starting to get really stinky (warm water, sludge, algae, and mix that with the wet dog....yum smells there). 

So here she is begging me to come inside of her pen so she can escape out the back door to head to the lake...

Let me in mom so I can go swimming
Little stinker anyway. 

No more quilting until next week. Monica's quilt may get removed and the last one put on (although we may have an issue with it as it appears the backing may be too short). I'll have to wait and see what the day brings and how much time I can squeeze into the business. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...