Wednesday, July 27, 2022

New Doggie Daycare

Our current dog sitter is under the weather and we've been forced to find an alternate for the girls when we have to go downstate. Like next Monday to help the kids move into their new apartment. I found another place right here in Gladwin that I think will be a great fit. How many other little towns do you know that can boast not one, but two great doggie daycares for their "kids"? 

Here's what I worked on yesterday...

Jodi's second grand kiddo quilt
It was an edge to edge but I actually drove. I followed the wave pool contours and then inserted wishbones into the middle sashing and cogs/pulley's into the outer sashing. It turned out really cute. Here's what's on the frame for today...
Jodi's third quilt for her dad
I have a 'sort of' plan for this but will have to work on those large borders in my head to make them a little more masculine and not so foofee. The customer wants custom in all of this which to me is a bonus!

A new customer is due here any minute and there is rain headed our way for a little while so that'll set the perfect quilting stage. 

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