Friday, July 29, 2022

July is Almost Over

Where is the summer going so fast?

I'm loading Chris L's quilt right now, but have one more roll to frame iron before I can finish loading. Jodie will be here at noon time and I have a doctors appointment in 45 minutes. Annual physical. Yuck!

Part of Jodie's last quilt yesterday (and the day before) was using the computer for some of the borders. I noticed that the head of the machine was feeling like it was going over chatter bumps on a dirt road. I asked Jim if he would help me offload the head from the carriage so I could peek under there and see what was up. 

We found the situation almost instantly and ended up turning the carriage upside down to get this mess out of one of the shafts near the vertical sprocket assembly...

That's a lot of thread to be caught in the shaft
He should be a lot better now when having to use the ProStitcher. Any other person would have sent the machine to the dealer, but I've learned to pretty much trouble shoot many situations with DW since we live so far away from Lansing. 

The kids are in South Dakota and will be heading to Omaha, NE today. They are slowly making their way back home and are taking their time getting here, which is fine. They aren't used to sitting and driving that long so this works out well for them. 

Jim is getting antsy about their slow progress, but he has to remember they aren't professional drivers like he is and for many of us, sitting for long periods just isn't in our make-up. I think he's also anxious about them making it home safely since there are so many bad drivers out there. Once Monday gets here and he gets to give the kids a HUGE hug, he'll settle down. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...