Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Happy Moving Day

Caleb and Lia (our youngest and his wife) are leaving the state of Washington today to come back home to get their Masters degrees. He's now out of the regular army and will be a reservist while working towards getting his commission in the military. They'll be back home in six days and we are over the moon!

Here's some of the quilting detail that went into Jodie's grandsons quilt...

Cute Puppies
I have to trim this and get the next one on so no pics of what's on the frame today.

Up early this morning. Hazel is at the groomers. Our stupid neighbor is burning and the wind is blowing it our way. And Lucy isn't feeling good (very loose stools and up a lot last night having to go out). But the weather is beautiful and hopefully the kids will have a good first day on the road. 

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The little kids are getting ready for their big move to Germany. They have to be out of the apartment on 4/1 but everything has already been...