Tuesday, July 12, 2022

A Good Sleep

Isn't it amazing what a good sleep can do for the body? And the mind? And everything else? I'm a new person this morning after having had one (for a change).  

Here's what's on the frame today...

Jane's Granddaughter's Quilt
This is a combination of computerization, free motion, and ruler work, which I love to do because I don't get as fatigued as easily. And she only wants one thread color throughout and that makes it a bonus project!

The girls are still pretty sleepy from their daycare excursion during the reunion, but that won't last very much longer. Mom is supposed to stop by today after her art meeting, and it's pretty quiet around here after all the weekends activities. I'll have to crank up the tunes and get some life back into the place once I'm done here. 

Back to the norm I guess. 

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