Friday, February 3, 2023

Happy Friday

Jim is off being on-call. But, he's headed downstate on Sunday afternoon and will be working there for a week. I don't know which is the better of the two. 

I have plenty of things to keep me busy around here. Seven new tops came in yesterday. Four of them are for my hospice girl who are extremely time sensitive. Of course. 

Here's what's on DW today...

A very soothing top for sure

Funny story about the backing for the top above. I started loading it onto Bernie, but then re-read the work order and knew using the channel locks/computer on DW would be easier for the straight lines going into those stacked pieces. Unload. Reload onto DW. Except I reloaded the back 90 degrees the wrong way. Unload again. Reload. Now I think we have it right.

Here's what's on Bernie this morning...

Dragonflies flitting around the studio
I love this top! I was so excited to start working on it and I actually did a little bit last night once I got the backings all frame ironed. Both are basted in and ready for me to tear into this morning, but I have to place a thread order first. 

And that's going up as well. Can't we just skip this upcoming recession and move along onto better things?

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