Sunday, February 19, 2023

New Blog Look

I changed my template for the blog hoping to get rid of that annoying side thing that was going on. Expect more changes in the future as I don't really like the current template. 

Errands yesterday morning. Bernie is free of any quilts right now and DW is going to be unloaded later tonight. I did do this on Bernie yesterday though...

Not the characters, but I long armed the writing
I tried to hand stitch the writing on this. My hand stitching is not good. At all! But I can long arm to beat the band so I did that instead. I'll blanket stitch these later on this week but not today. 

I took a pic of the back of Jeans quilt...which looks almost as good as the front...

It looks better in person
I managed to get a new block cut and pieced for Farm Girl Vintage...
Vrrrooommmm with the hay
They are saying that's hay, but as a farm girl, I know that is NOT hay. Hay is green. This is straw. 

My plans are to work on another FGV2 block today. I tried to find some other small project to work on for small project Sunday, but nothing is really grabbing me. Yet. 

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...