Saturday, February 11, 2023

RIP Jodie

My customer, who I was cranking out quilting for, who had cancer, lost her battle Friday afternoon. I just got word this morning on my way over to Pieces. I'm very saddened about this news. While death is a part of our world, it still makes me somber and thoughtful about the days we have left. Make each day count. Ya just never know. 

Here's some of what's going into Bernadette's first top...

Loving the clean look
Her quilts are always so well done, and I'm giving it a light bit of ruler work and free motion to not detract from the original design. 

Jim is home! He came home last night, but is working locally instead. Which is okay. As long as he's not two plus hours away. I ran to Pieces this morning to pick up a different ruler to use for marking the quilt tops (long story), and a few other fun things; a panel to do later and a small wall hanging for Ben, who loves duct tape. I'll work on that maybe tomorrow.

Since Jim is working today, I shall as well. The sun is currently shining (that's supposed to change later on) and the wind is supposed to come up so I'll take advantage of long arm time while I can. Barbs third quilt and Bernadettes first quilt are both almost half way complete. 

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