Monday, February 20, 2023

I've Fiddled With No Luck

I did fiddle with my blog off and on yesterday. I'm not having much luck. Apparently Blogger is an old app and support is getting scarce with it. I'll have one of the boys look at the 'original' layout when/if they ever get up here to see if they can put it back to rights. Meanwhile, we're stuck with this layout until further notice. 

Here's the only thing I did in the studio yesterday...

Want to mix up a cake?
The neighbors are up this weekend. We spent some time down at a very smoky campfire for a few hours yesterday and the constant headache I have is worse today I think because of all the smoke inhalation we dealt with.

I have a customer coming to pick up today. Barbs quits are on their way to Florida. I have to get Jeans quilt off DW, but Bernie is free. I need to load both of them this morning and see where the week takes me. 

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