Saturday, April 29, 2023

Thinking, thinking, thinking

Jim and I had to run out to do some errands this morning so I'm blogging late. 

The DW Linda H. quilt is done. It was early evening before I finished it (Jim got called out on a service call) but still on the frame. It was interesting to try to get the ProStitcher to deal with this not-a-straight-line situation. I had to manually stitch each motif out and make adjustments along the way to make it look not too weird. I'm removing marks and letting it just hang there until tomorrow night when I set up for Monday.

Aaahhhh...aren't borders supposed to be straight?
This afternoon I'm going to work on the McKenna Ryan piece and enjoy a dismal weather day playing by myself

Friday, April 28, 2023

Always a Challenge

I have only ever seen this one other time in my long arm career. Most quilts are shorter on the inside measurements; the middle of quilt measurements. This one actually measures longer in the center, which causes this issue...

See the buckling at the orange border?
Once I take those last two rolls, this will have to be tackled. And it won't be easy.

I'm headed over to Pieces here shortly. I have to pick up some more Misty Fuse and get a hunk of batik for the background on the McKenna Ryan piece I'm working on. And, I haven't seen the girls over there in a few weeks so there's that. 

I'm hoping to finish the Linda H. quilt on DW today. That's my goal anyway. If there's still time, I'll work on the Linda H. quilt on Bernie. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Sheet Day

It's supposed to be near 60 today, so the day I've been waiting for has arrived. Washing ALL the sheets from the family visit last week. There's nothing better than a line-dried sheet to snuggle in at night. 

In between washing/hanging sheets I'll be working on both the Linda H.'s quilts. This is a little of what's going into the DW Linda H. quilt...

Celtic themed
This quilt is getting custom quilted, but using [mostly] the computer. I tried to take a pic of the Linda H quilt on Bernie, but I'm using such a matching thread, that I had a hard time getting the phone to pic up anything. 

I tell my customers I see every square millimeter of their quilt, and that's not an exaggeration. Here's something I found while working on the ditch work...

See the tear?
After working on the long arms for eight hours, I switched over to the domestic to finish the Pieces BOM #4 blocks...
Month #4
Once I got those done I was still in daylight so decided to start an appliqué project. I'm not sure where I got this? Probably a sale over at Pieces, but I love doing appliqué things and stuff in the summer months. 

I'm NOT using Heat n' Bond on this one (I sincerely dislike how it needles when blanket stitching/long arming). Nor am I using Steam a Seam. I'm using something called Misty Fuse. MUCH BETTER!

Starting a new project
There are plenty of YouTube videos out there if you want to check out Misty Fuse. Basically, instead of tracing your appliqué shape onto the paper side of those other fusables, you trace it onto parchment paper to transfer the design. Easy enough! Anyway, I'm excited to start on this and have all my tracing done thus far. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Two Linda H's!

I did a little quilting on Linda H's quilt yesterday while I was frame ironing the for the next one to go onto DW. Here's what he's wearing for the next couple of days... 

Linda H's top
Two different Linda H's but their quilts are both on the frames. Too funny! And that was confusing when I had to pull their batting out since I didn't label them with full last names. But I got it figured out and am off and running now. DW's Linda is getting computerized, free motion, and ruler work put into it. 

While I was working on Bernie yesterday, I found out that even professionals get a little lax sometimes and because of this, decided to try to quilt the ruler instead of the quilt.

Can you see the needle hole?
Just to the left of the needle you can see a very tiny hole. Yep, tried to quilt the ruler instead of the quilt. Needles to say, I had to change the needle because hitting it compromised its integrity. 

I did work on the Pieces BOM #4 last night, and I STILL don't have them done. Maybe tonight?

Customer coming to pick up right at 10:00 this morning and I'm not expecting anybody else so should be a rather productive day on the machines. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Last of Orange and Blue...

...for now anyway. Maybe I'll get another like this one in some day. But it's ready to take off the frame and get another loaded.

Joan is not going to be back until May so I'll be holding onto this one for another week or so. But it's quilted. 

Not sure what's up next. Gotta check the queue. I'm expecting a pick up today and so far, that's about it. More construction ruckus in and around the neighborhood. New deck (next door). New roof (across the lake). New dam (a mile away). 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Not Much To Share

I started my fourth set of blocks for the Pieces BOM on Saturday. I never did get back to it yesterday. We visited mom in the morning and then unwound the remainder of the day in front of the TV watching movies. It wasn't a very nice day out and we needed to decompress. Well, Jim did at least. I can't even tell you how many naps he took, but after the emotional and then drama filled week he endured, he probably needed it. 

Here's the entire "B" family together at Zechariahs first birthday party. 

Good looking family!
Lots of construction in and around the neighborhood today, so lots of drills, banging, and sawing. It sounds like the "lake" is waking up from its winters nap. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

A Busy Saturday Planned

We've both already got showers and chores are nearly done. I have a [new] customer coming today at 10:00 and then we're off.

I have a bobbin winder for the Fusion (DW) that is being taken to Gall for a looksie. I've already purchased a new one, but my dealer thinks he can fix/repair the old one somehow. Have at it.

Here's a little of what's going into Joans quilt...

Making simple stand out
Here's the back of her quilt. It's a two sided quilt and I'm not paying attention to the back, but just letting the thread play with whatever it was she put together back there...

Look at all the color/texture
This is going to be a two-sided quilt for sure with how this is working out. 

Once the customer leaves, we are on the road. Our youngest grandson turns one today and we have a birthday party to attend in Lansing.

The girls are not going with us today. Hopefully they'll be okay for eight hours, which they should. They're really good about that. But when we get home they'll need to be taken out and played with heavily.

Friday, April 21, 2023

It's Friday Already?

Where did this week go? Oh yeah, that's right, a funeral and all the fun that goes with that. 

I finished Elleen's quilt last night just before 7:00. The next one up on Bernie is this one...

Linda H.'s Kim Diel top
This isn't actually loaded; just posing for a photo until I can get the back frame ironed. 

Today I'm working Joan's blue and orange quilt top shown in the photo yesterday. I have customers in and out all day today and later tonight Jim and I have to go out and replenish the barren cupboards from the boys being here. Man, boys eat a LOT!

The dam work has begun and sometimes it gets pretty loud up here even though we are about a nautical mile away from it. It's music to our ears. Mr./Mrs. Robin is still trying to get into the studio this morning. It seemed to stay away most of yesterday since I was out there working. I wonder how long this is going to go on?

Thursday, April 20, 2023


I have a Robin trying to get into the studio. He has been persistent in banging on the window and wowza, is he making a mess on the deck. He's been at this now since we got back from the funeral on Monday night. I keep taking things away and trying to adjust the lighting to deter him from continually banging on the window. Yes, there are vinyl clings on the window too. Any suggestions out there? 

Here's what's on DW this morning...

Joans gift for her grandson
While this is on DW this morning, I'm actually going to work on Bernie today. Joans quilt is not a rush situation and Elleens quilt has been on Bernie too long. It's time to get it done. I thought maybe I could slip in there and work a bit on it during all the funeral who-who but alas, six grandchildren running around the house is kind of time prohibitive. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Blankets are not Quilts

While talking to folks at the funeral, they often refer to my quilting as "making blankets". To a quilter, that's like fingernails on the chalkboard. At least, to this quilter it is. 

Did I mention my mishap with my coffee last week? I spilled coffee all over my sewing machine table. I got it up fairly quickly and went about my normal day. 

But I kept smelling coffee. So I washed the floor again. The sewing table again. The rug. My boots that are right there. Yet, I kept smelling coffee. I figured out why this morning while sewing a temporary leader onto the rush quilt I'm doing today. The coffee went down into the bobbin housing into the actual sewing machine. 

Here's what's on DW this morning...
Jim is up in TC with his family. This quilt is due tomorrow (dropped off on Monday while we were at the funeral) so I couldn't go up with him since I needed to work. It's sure acting like it's a Monday though with all the mishaps I've had so far. 

Here's hoping you have a better Wednesday/week than mine has started out to be. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023


Quilting at the Lake will be closed on Monday, April 17th and Tuesday April 18th for the funeral. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone but there is too much happening during this time for customers to have to deal with. 

Beautiful Saturday

Customer visit already this morning for a pick-up. I guess she liked what I did...she gave me a hug when she left. Such a nice couple to start the morning. 

Here's what's on DW to start with...

Matha's Kaleidoscope
I started this last night and actually got the whole center quilted. The borders will need to be done today. This needs to get to Ben before they arrive tomorrow to take back downstate with them after the funeral. 

Still chipping away and Elleen's quilt on Bernie. 

Jim and I have some errands to do later today meaning I better get to it. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Just a Quick Entry

I have nails first thing this morning and don't have much time to post today. Nancy's quilt is done and I'll be loading another later this morning once I return home. 

Here's some quilting going into Elleen's quilt...

Love, love, love the textures
I'll be working on this while I'm frame ironing Martha's backing. And, I'm expecting a pick-up sometime later today.  

Happy summer-like weather!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Happy Anniversary

 To my best friend of 38 years today. WOW! That's a long time!

Since today is going to be a repeat of yesterday weather wise, I'll repeat yesterday quilting wise. I reached the half-way point in Nancy's quilt and completed almost a full row in Eileen's quilt. Here's some of the quilting going into Nancy's...

Sparty On!
Not much else to share today. I'll be keeping my nose into the work at hand and make the most of the beautiful weather with the studio windows open, the birds chirping, my music playing in the background, and the machines a-humming. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


It's been pretty windy here the past two days. I guess today is supposed to be much of the same. But, it's been warm and looking ahead, it's supposed to be this way the remainder of the week. 

However, Monday, the day of the funeral, it's supposed to snow. Only in our mitten state. 

Here's what's on DW (and has been for five days now), but the batting arrived yesterday giving me the opportunity to finally work on this Spartan top...

We've seen this before.
I know I posted this pic last week, but I need to keep track of when/whose quilt I work on. My blog helps to do that. 

I've already started channeling the top border and have worked on the first three green squares. DW is going to drive the Spartan helmet and block S in the white squares. This is going to be a little tricky. The customer wants COMPLETELY green thread. That's fine in the green areas. Not so much in the white.

When you put a darker thread into a lighter fabric EVERY little mistake shows. This is going to be very slow going today.

I got the first row (of four) done on Elleens quilt done yesterday. I'll jump over there later this afternoon and chip away some more on it once I've spent the day with Nancy's spartan quilt. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

A Day of Rest

After we finished our "flood" work at Moms on Sunday, we came home and basically did nothing the rest of the day. A true day of rest. Decompressing from the death of Jims mom I think. But alas, all rest days must end and I was running full tilt yesterday. 

Elleen's first quilt is done. Here's some of the free motion work it received...

Paisley Feather

Yes, this is me driving. Not the computer. Bernie doesn't have a computer. Here's what's on Bernie today...

Eileen's second quilt
Isn't this pretty? I can't wait to start on it this morning. While I was frame ironing the back, I finished my 3rd Pieces BOM block. Once that was done (man, those are very labor intensive), I headed outside to start spring clean up. I mean, c'mon, I have to go outside when the temps are hovering around 70 degrees. 

I've discovered with the warmer temps, I don't have very supportive summer shoes to stand at the long arm for lengths of time when wearing leggings. I have my Keans when I wear capri pants, but they don't go with leggings. A girl has to feel good about herself, right? 

Not only that, I was perusing through the closet this morning, and discovered I don't really have a suitable anything to wear to a cold/spring funeral. The temps next week are supposed to resume back to normalcy and that means colder. I think a shopping trip is in order. And that's a bummer. I'd rather spend money on quilting stuff than clothing stuff. Truly!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hoppy Easter

 Jim and I were planning a nice relaxing day. Maybe do a little yard work since it's supposed to be nice today. But alas, a phone call comes in and you're summoned to a parent house to help with flood recovery. Yippee!

Here's what's on Bernie this morning...

Elleen's Springy Top
I'm driving this edge to edge on Bernie. I'm going to put in a feather flower meandering all over the quilt. While I was frame ironing this, I was binding the Bernina/Amanda Murphy quilt along quilt and the Dream Bigger quilt too.

Once those were finished I started in on my next BOM from Pieces. Jim got home late in the afternoon. His mom is now in heaven with all of her pets and friends. The rest of the day was a wash since he needed to talk/vent. 

Block(s) three

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Shifting Gears

When a parent is in Hospice care, daily plans have a tendency to become a little blurred. What we WANT to do and what we NEED to do are two entirely different plan-o-grams. Jim had a day not including running back up to Traverse City on his radar today. He received a text and a voicemail from his sister that his mom had taken a turn very early this morning. 

Meaning, I have the house to myself (again) most of today. What I had planned hasn't changed much since my mom is fine and is out shopping for a shop vac for her basement that flooded this past week with all of our lovely rain. 

DW is still sitting in idle mode until the batting arrives on Tuesday. I have to sort through the queue and find a customer quilt that's small enough to get onto Bernie. Meanwhile, here is where he's at...

A naked long arm is a grumpy long arm
Once I find the right quilt and start frame ironing the backing, I'm going to pull my two quilts that still need binding done into the back room to work on. I sure wish I had my sewing table back. 

This hauling stuff to the backroom, setting up, running for stuff I forgot, getting a stool to hold up the quilting being bound, fighting with the small space while binding, and then reversing the whole process is taking too much time (waste, waste, waste) and moreover, is very not fun. Quilting should be fun.

It's snowing this morning. Yep, 50 yesterday and snow coming down pretty nicely. Gotta love our state. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

Off The Rails

I'm pretty good at being organized, multi-tasking, and proactive. Except yesterday. I'm not sure what got me off track, but I failed to order [special] batting for the upcoming quilt going onto DW. The backing is frame ironed and when I checked the work order, realized the kind of batt this particular quilt requires is not something I usually stock.

When I get an order in like that, I try to get the "speciality" item (thread, batt, etc.) ordered ahead of time and then attach a note or the actual item to the hanging-in-wait top/backing. That way, when it's ready to load, everything is right there. 

This is what's on DW for the unforeseeable future...

Go Green! Go White!

Thankfully, my batting supplier is pretty speedy and I'll get the batt on Monday or Tuesday. Which leaves today and tomorrow morning free. I can't load it onto Bernie for two reasons: 1) I still have one (not finished) on Bernie (which I'll work on today), and 2) It requires the Spartan "S" and helmet to be computerized into it. Bernie does not have that capability. 

Is your quilt square? Wanna find out if it is? Have the long armer just load it onto the frame (doesn't even need to be quilted) and roll through the length of it. If it does this, it's not square...

Compare the left and right sides.
I square them up at the top when I run a plumb line and again on the sides by keeping track of the measurement through each roll. They are ALWAYS basted during the quilting progress, so this ones not on me. 

Having said all of that happy crap, I'm on Bernie today finishing last years Cotton Cuts BOM. I did my block for this month last night and only have one more month to go before construction begins. 

Jim's mom is also an issue. As of last night, she was still hanging in there. I think She's waiting for Jim's sister (who lives in Idaho) to get there. Which should be today.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

A Little Flooding

We didn't have flooding like we did in 2020, but while I was working on Janice's quilt yesterday, and during a particularly heavy deluge of rain, I noticed the smell of sewage. This is what the backyard looked like... 

The pump quit running
When the pump runs too long, it overheats and then shuts itself down. Thus, the nasty smell because things start backing up into the house pipes. 

Jim came home for a late lunch and dealt with this horrible mess/project. 

Meanwhile, I was able to get half of Janice's huge quilt quilted and who says edge to edge can't be pretty?

Lots and bunches of paisley
This is today's main focus. I have a customer coming to drop off later this morning but that's not going to infringe on this too much. It's really nice being able to drive the machine and do some free motion without being so restrictive. A nice change of pace if you will.

Jim's mom is still hanging in there. Thank you for all of your well wishes on the phone. Quilters truly are the best people! 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Bug Man Day

I know it's officially spring when my Orkin man schedules his first appointment of the season. I keep the house bug-free because customer tops/quilts don't need to take home anything they did not bring. And, we keep the dogs on a flea/tick/mite medicine to make sure they don't bring any unwanted guests into the house too. Today is bug man day. Of course it is. It's raining outside (storming actually). It seems like it's always raining when he comes. 

Here's what's on DW this morning...

A Thank-You gift
This is Janice's second top. It's huge! 110x111! It's getting an edge-to-edge but I'm driving. There are three color changes in there and I don't want to set up the computer every time to stop and let me do those changes. By the time I did that I could have finished the quilt myself. Which, I'm doing. Plus, I have a customer coming later and of course, bug man coming in a few hours. 

You know the rule: If I step away from the long arm while it's computerized stitching, it'll break a thread as sure as shootin'. 

I did get a row in on the Bernina last night while I was frame ironing Janice's backing. Maybe in a few days that will finally be done. I have another quilt-along to participate in and the last block is being revealed sometime this week. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Cat Hair

I think I'm becoming allergic to cats. The last two quilt tops have had cat hair on them, and during the course of the day, find myself becoming stuffed up, itchy eyed, and scratchy throated. After closing down the studio for a few hours at night, things start to clear up and in the morning I feel fine. 

Here's a little of what's going into Janice's quilt...

Mixed Pebbles to show off the appliqué

I love how this one is turning out. I have another hours' worth of work on it this morning and then I'll load her next one. No work on Bernie yesterday. I did 10 hours into this one and that was enough in the studio after my little sit-down weekend. 

Jim should be home today. He spent the night at the Hospice House with his mom. He said she's declining pretty fast and he has to work the rest of the week. This may be his last time with her. I got really worried about him (and her) last night when he didn't call/text to say goodnight. Rightfully so!

Monday, April 3, 2023

I think... fanny gained about five pounds sitting as much as we did this weekend. Truck rides to Traverse City and back on Saturday. Truck rides to Lansing and back on Sunday. Visiting people on both trips all while sitting down. My legs have probably atrophied to nothingness. Yet, despite the lack of physical work, and honestly, a very sedate weekend, I feel very tired. 

I did make this yesterday morning to take along to the grandkids before we took off. 

A cute little East Basket
I ran out of time to edge stitch around the handle, but I don't think the grandkids really cared. 

I'll be working on Janice's quilt today. The sun keeps playing hide and seek this morning . Jim is in Traverse City again today and is spending the night at his sisters up there so I can work well into the evening and have my wonderful overhead lights to assist when it gets dark later.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Real Quick

Just a quick post before heading to Traverse City. Here's what's on DW today (and the unforeseeable future)...

Pretty Applique!
I also started another turtle. Here's the progress so far...

The top
Hopefully the weather behaves today so our trip there and back is uneventful. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...