Friday, July 28, 2023


I did make some progress on Pats quilt yesterday; more than I thought possible considering the customer drop off I had and the construction activities going on.

Here's some of the quilting detail in Pats quilt...

Border detail

I managed to get 1/3 of the way through this large top and will continue today if not needed out in "the hole". 

Caleb came up last night and helped to move the blocks down to the construction site...

Last nights work which finished at nearly dark
Ben is already here and they are already mixing mortar for getting the corners set in before the rain comes later today. IF we do get rain, what will have been completed will have to be covered otherwise it dilutes the mortar and would have issues with leveling. 

I have nails this morning and need to pick up some food items to feed these boys today, so off I go. 

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