Saturday, July 15, 2023

Thread Snob

I'm a snob about some things I put into my own personal quilts, and, sometimes, about what I put into customer quilts. Thread is one of those. 

I use Glide (by Fil-Tec) and So-Fine! (by Superior) almost exclusively in the long arms. But, occasionally, I have to use a speciality thread per the customers request. Well, just because it's made by XYZ company doesn't necessarily mean the quality follows along in all of the lines they manufacturer.

For example...

Wasted thread
...this light blue glow in the dark thread. Its cone name is Luminary and it's made by of my go-to thread manufacturers. I wish words could describe the frustration level in dealing with this stuff yesterday trying to work with constant breakages, skipped stitches, and twisting. 

I called Pieces of Thyme to see if they had any glow in the dark thread (because another 20 blocks of this was going to send me up the pole) and they do indeed carry it now. 

However, it's a Mettler brand and it's not blue. It's white. So, I'm going to have to deal with the light blue through at least one more row (I'm going to alternate every other row), but I haven't yet set in the Mettler to see how it behaves on the machine. That's in about 10 minutes from now. 

And, after calling my usual thread supplier (Quilted Joy) about any recorded issues with this stuff, they, of course assumed it was my machine adjustments. We talked through that, and didn't come up with any significant solutions. The breakage didn't start happening until I changed out threads and when I put the Glide back in to resume the next row, DW behaved swimmingly. He better. He did just come back from his spa week after all.

Wish me luck today on this new glow in the dark thread!

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