Thursday, July 13, 2023

Two Weeks

Has it really been two weeks since I heard the comforting hum of my long arm machines? I checked my photos and it was two weeks ago today since I last turned on DW. 

Here's what he's wearing today (and probably tomorrow, and, and, and)...

Mary A.'s blue and almost white top
I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one. I'm putting glow in the dark thread in those center kind-of star things (per the customers request) and I think a multi-layered scallop with a basket weave in the border. But that may change as I start getting into things. I need to get it basted in and ditched first, and since DW wasn't fully hooked up yesterday (too much yard work and then storms later in the evening), I have to do that as well. 

Why, when you get back from "vacation" does it feel like the yard goes gang busters? Mike and I did the whole yard just a week ago, and yesterday it looked like it had been over two weeks. Took that long too. Jim and I were on mowers before lunch. I was on and off the weed wacker all day while filling in the charging time with weeding. Or dealing with customers. Had a new one drop off yesterday.

Speaking of which, I have another new customer coming around 10:30 this morning and some repeats coming to both drop off and pick up a little later that. 

I usually get about five quilt tops in from mid-June to mid-August. It's my time to catch up from the late winter flurry that traditionally hits me. But this year, WOW, consistent drop offs and not much time to actually catch up. As I look out the window at our currently stalled new studio progress, I become excited for the digs that will provide less wasted time and a better work flow environment. 

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Who Said Long Arming Wasn't Dangerous?

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