Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thread Chicken

I'm running low on the dark brown thread being used in some of the Town and Country blocks. Yesterday was thread chicken day...

I made it!

I was stitching blocks while waiting for a customer backing to "iron" out on the frame. This is what's on the frame this morning...

Look at all that real estate!

Three Town and Country blocks stitched out yesterday so while not a stellar number, at least I'm still on track for the completion [goal] date. And, I received an email from AQS about next years upcoming submission deadlines. With the encouragement of customers and family members, I think Town and Country may be going to a show. There are a lot of hoops to go through to get a quilt submitted and I'll decide the quilts fate once I get it completed. 

#'s 326-328: Barn, Goat, and Geese

Today I'll be working this top on the frame and doing as many Town and Country blocks as I can. I have a customer coming today to pick up her little quilt, two sets coming tomorrow to both pick up and drop off, and I need to run to Pieces at some point tomorrow or Saturday to say just say hello. I haven't been over there in a while and like to see what's new in the shop every so often. 

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