Friday, June 4, 2021

Music Is Life

We do a lot of movie and music quotes in our family. Yesterday, Aerosmith came onto my playlist and Jim immediately said, from the movie Armageddon, "...are we going to be swimming on this asteroid..." in which I had to send a clip to the boys with said music and quote to get them going. 

It turned into an all day chuckle affair and was quite fun. We used to do this a lot while they were growing up and with the miles separating all four families, seem to be getting back into it with a daily trivia/question. Jim's bored with his convalesence period I think but it breaks our days up either way.

Here are the Town and Country blocks completed yesterday. 

#'s298-303: Trees on Hill, Chicken on Hay Bale, Pig, Hay Stack, Tractor 1, and Trees on Hill (again).

Music makes quilting fun too. Here is some of the detail going into Marilyn's quilt top...

Thread Painting Marilyn's top
I'm hoping to finish this piece today. I had a customer come and pick up the giraffes earlier and had some housework I needed to complete before getting on the machine. Oh, and I think I figured out my back situation.

During the colder months, I am wearing shoes/boots while long arming and it brings my person height up about 3/8-1/2". Now that it's warmer and shoes are stupid, I've lowered my person height that 1/2" and I'm arching my back too much making it painful to quilt. 

I pilfered Jim's workshop of his puzzle mat pieces (he won't be needing them anytime soon) and put those down over my own puzzle mat pieces I already have and I think I'm on to something. The little I've long armed since setting them down seems much more comfortable not only on my back, but my arms and eyes too (lighting, distance, etc.). Yay!

More long arming to finish this piece. More Town and Country blocks since, today, I'm officially one month away from my goal completion date. I have 62 more blocks to make as well as the border pieces, which from my calculation is another 20 sections. Best get at it. 

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Applique Sunday

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