Thursday, June 3, 2021

Blogging Late Today

Before I was even out of my jammies, mom was here and ready to go to some yard sales and take advantage of a perennial sale at our local grocery store. Morning with moms are always interesting. 

This is on the frame today...

Marilyn's Wall Hanging
I'm having fun doing some thread painting and feather work throughout but my back isn't letting me long arm for long periods since it's still on the mend. 

Here's the Town and Country blocks worked yesterday...

#'s294-297: Dairy Cow, Milking Shed, Barn, and Chicken House

I did get a few hours of long arming in after our morning jaunt, and I'll work some more Town and Country blocks until it cools down a little. Then I have to mow. Yippee! 

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...