Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Second to the Last

The second to the last row has all blocks completed. 

Block #'s 358-361: Water Trough and Bird, Barn, Farm House, and Corner Farm Sign
I had enough time left over to get them put into rows...

Waiting to be attached
Notice where I put the constructed rows. Not a good decision last night (I must have been getting tired) because I can't long arm with all these hanging out. I'm going to get them on this morning, which requires a lot of finagling around the studio, since the top is getting so big.

Becky's quilt was completely quilted yesterday, but still needs to be removed, trimmed, and she needs to be called so I'll do that after getting these rows on. And then load the next one in line once that's done; busy day in the works. Yay! 

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