Wednesday, June 9, 2021

I think I May Deem Days Off Yardwork

I workout on M/W/F mornings and since I'm already sweaty, figured I may as well go out and tackle some yard stuff. That usually occupies most of the morning, leaving at least the afternoon to sew. 

Yesterday, being Tuesday, I didn't go out and do a lick of yard work and instead was very, very productive in the studio both on customer quilts as well as my own work. And that seems to work out very well. Sue's quilt is done and was able to get a second one loaded. 

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Pat's Baby Quilt
I got a little of this completed before mom made a visit for a while. By the time she left, my long arming mojo had left as well so I moved on to Town and Country. Here's the blocks completed yesterday...

#'s 318-325: Trees on Hill, Pony Poo, Pony, Horse in Stall, Vehicle Towing, Horse Trailer, Corner Sign, and Gate
Yep, I was very productive yesterday. 

This is Wednesday, so back outside I go. Got the 13 perennials planted that mom found to put in our north lake garden. Watered a few of Jim's garden plants and will water more tonight if we don't receive any rain. Which, we aren't expecting. 

I'll finish Pat's quilt this afternoon and load another before getting into the the Town and Country blocks. I only have one prepped so not as many will be completed today...unfortunately. 

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