Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Welcome Retreat

Hazel is showing how all three of us felt on Sunday...

Once the tree and all the decorations were put away (save for the wreath outside which is constantly forgotten), the holiday was not yet over.

My brother drove up from Cincinnati and we had our holiday at moms yesterday. And, then because we're us, had to go out and about to do some more shopping and errands. I was fighting trying not to go to sleep/bed at 7:00 last night, so instead pieced a few pineapple blocks just to keep me going.

Tomorrow I leave for retreat. I'll be in and out until Sunday afternoon so won't get much, if any, long arming done during that time. Therefore, today is long arm crank day.

Jill is on her way over to drop something off and then I'll be in here until the dog drags me out later tonight. I've eaten enough food over the past week to pop a blimp so very little sustenance is going to be needed. I'll just drink lots of water and coffee and jam to the tunes to keep me going. 

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