Saturday, January 1, 2022

Merry New Year!

Welcome 2022. Wow, when I graduated 40 years ago, this seemed like a sci-fi situation when we'd be living in this century. 

I have been completely and utterly absent from the studio other than to let the dog out and to move stuff in and out of it during the infiltration of family and friends. What a fun weeks it's been, but now it's time to get back on track I think. 

Here is the only sewing/quilting related pic I have to share. This was made for my youngest grandson from a panel I picked up at Pieces...

Buddy the Frog

I had to prop him up because he became a little top heavy after he was stuffed.

While we were chilling out together one evening, I was fiddling around on my phone and made this QR code for Quilting at the Lake. Your phones camera will "look" at it and you can then get to my web site. 

Quilting things I received for Christmas are actually for my customers. My brother and Jim both got me gift cards for Quilted Joy. Ben and Caleb purchased 16 spools of thread from there so I have a total of 67 new colors coming soon into the studio. I also received some fabric paint, some Inktense blocks, and some grid templates for marking customer quilts. Quilting at the lake bought Colette a new Panasonic cordless iron because well, it's Christmas and she's always wanted one. 

I hope you recover from the holidays fairly quickly and things get back to normal soon. I know I'm excited to see a new year come in because 2021 (in the world) wasn't so great. For me here in the was one of the best years ever. 

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