Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wind Advisory

We have a high wind advisory today, and it's supposed to last until tomorrow morning. I'm going to quilt anyway because I have three more tops that came in yesterday. Two were picked up, but I'm up one now. I can't let the weather dictate my work any longer. Although, I think in a lightning storm, I may make an exception. The winds are out of the west so I should be okay; it's the southerly winds that concern me more.

I'm still working on Lynette's and Linda's quilts, but after I worked in the studio last night, I shifted over to Christmas presents. Here's Yammy Cat all blanket stitched. 

Doesn't he look unamused?
Pod Cats are still in the works; it's mostly blanket stitched but I ran out of steam last night. 

I have a new customer coming at about noon today but only for a consultation on fixing a top she has inherited. She has an APQS Lenni and can quilt it herself, but has experienced some health issues, so I may actually end up doing this one for her.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Late Start

Because of my dentist appointment yesterday, and other interruptions, I didn't actually start quilting until around 2:00 in the afternoon. Here's some of what's going into Lynettes quilt...

Look at all the texture
When Jim finally got home (later than usual since he went hunting right after work), I was done with Lynettes quilt for the day and moved on to Linda N.'s quilt. Here's a little bit of what hers is getting...
Swirls and matchsticks
I'll continue on with both of these today. Once the evening began to deepen, I moved on to working on the kids' Christmas cat wall hangings. Yammy Cat is blanket stitched and ready for a trim/binding. Pod Cats will be worked on tonight (hopefully). 

I think I have a customer coming later today to pick up??? I don't remember that far back (last week) and I didn't write it down (naughty). The rest of the day is quilt, quilt, quilting with Christmas music in the background to keep me company. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Decorating Done

After we get done with our Thanksgiving meal, we take a walk (to make room for dessert later) and then the grandkids and the adults decorate the house for the holiday. Except for the tree being up, the rest of the house is all festive.

Prior to everybody arriving on Friday, I was able to get the long arms loaded for this week. Here's what's on DW...

Lynette's beautifully embroidered top
I haven't had a chance to really think about how this one is going to be quilted. I may need to grab a couple of close-up pics and doodle on the iPad for what I want to go in here. 

Here's what's on Bernie...

Linda's Winter Gnomes
I have an idea of how I'm going to work this one. Maybe. At any case, I'm back from the dentist (first thing this morning) and I'm gong to grab some lunch before starting for the day. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Getting Ready for Our Turkey Day

I've been cleaning like a madwoman all morning. The family starts arriving later this afternoon. I'm going to load both long arms this morning and then start food prep right after lunch. 

While Jim was out stringing lights yesterday, I made this cute pillow/pin cushion...

From the Farm Girl Vintage 2 book by Lori Holt
Once that was completed, I moved on to this...

When unrolled, it's a traveling silverware set. It's green friendly since now I'll never have to worry about plastic silverware. Not that we go out a lot. 

Just insert a set of silverware
That didn't take long to make and decided I could get the "cats" done before it got dark.

Yammy Cat and Pod Cats
Not a great pic, but you get the idea. They're adhered down to the surface but not yet blanket stitched. I'll work on those over the next few weeks. 

From there I moved onto starting something new. I bought a kit at the "yard sale" at Shipshewana and while rummaging through the studio, found it and started that. Everything is cut and now I'm piecing together...

Working from the center outward
And that's about all of my day yesterday. I surprise myself at how much I can accomplish in the studio when I don't have to "work". But I really did miss working on the big machines.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

The girls and I started out our morning with a quick run up to get yesterdays [junk] mail. I'll be working on small projects today as Jim does the same. Well, hanging lights isn't such a small project if he puts up the usual amount. 

I also have to rearrange the backroom to accommodate the dorm fridge and the small table for everybody to put their stuff when arriving on Saturday.

Yesterday resulted in a very productive day. As I was perusing through IG this morning, it seems all the long armers were 'pulling' to finish out their day trying to get ready for the long weekend. Here's two more that were on and off DW...

Mystery Quilt #1

Mystery Quilt #2

So in all yesterday, I pulled four quilts off the machines. While finishing Bernadettes on Bernie I was playing a bit of thread chicken...

And I still had one whole section to work
But I won in the end. Another thing to be thankful for. Have a wonderful holiday. Don't eat too much and if you do, take a walk so you can eat that yummy dessert. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Just Another Day

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. For Jim and I, it'll be just another day. Our Thanksgiving won't be until Saturday. That means Friday I'll be prepping all day. The two customer quilts need to be done today, and while we won't be celebrating the holiday on THE holiday, we'll still be 'working' around the house. 

Actually, I would like to sit and bind those potholders while watching the Thanksgiving Day parade and the Eukanuba Dog Show. That's why these two customer quilts need to be done today. I think it's doable.

Lucy was chillin' the other night. Since I don't really have any new quilting pics to post, here's one of her looking all cute-sy.

I'm so darn cute!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for: My supportive husband, my home, my customers, the kids, the grandkids, the life. My life, on a whole, is a dream I nearly pinch myself every day to make sure I'm not dreaming. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Long Hours

Another 11-hour day for me yesterday. Eight on DW, and three on Bernie. Here's some of the quilting detail going into Jeans quilt... 

Each block is receiving a different backfill
Here's some more quilting detail of Bernadettes quilt...

Morning sunshine showing detail
I have reached the 1/3 point on Jeans, and about the half-way point on Bernadettes. Today will be much of the same as yesterday. Sometimes it's kind of nice to know where you're headed for the day; it doesn't hurt my brain as much. 😉

The other part of my night was spent getting the front binding on those oven mitts. I'm going to have to hand bind (icky) the backside as I don't think I'll be able to get a nice finish if I try to get 10-12 layers under the machine needle. Now the dining room is cleaned up like nothing ever occurred here. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Two Small Project Days

I started small projects this week on Saturday afternoon while Jim was watching the Spartan football game. Here's what I did on Saturday... 

What's going on here?
I'm not going to reveal what these are as I occasionally have family who will read my blog. But will reveal these when I'm done.

This is what I worked on yesterday...

More Christmas gifts this year
Today I'm back on track with the quilting; Bernadettes and Jean's both will be worked over the next couple of days. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Tennessee Quilt is Shipped

Jim and I went last night and shipped out the John Wayne quilt to Tennessee. It should arrive by Tuesday (she needed it by Wednesday). 

Here's what's on DW today...

Jean S.'s top

A closer look at some block detail
This ones going to take some time! Meanwhile, I plan on working on Bernadettes top this morning on Bernie. I'll start Jeans on Monday.

I wanted to show the difference between ditching a quilt and not ditching. Jim asked me why I do ditch and I tried explaining how it leaves the quilt flatter and more finished when it is ditched. 

I've just started to ditch most all quilts as I now realize the significance of doing so. I used to think it was a waste of time and early on in my quilting career, one prominent quilter in the area said, '...she never ditched'. I took that as a license to not to have to do it...and frankly, I've found, it's just being lazy. 

Not ditched
See how the sides are raised and leave a puffiness to them?
Now the seams lay flat, they look more finished, and it adds stability to the whole quilt as well as the piecing. 

Since Jim and I went out last night to do errands, we have no place to go this weekend. He's trimming Hazel right now, we both got hair cuts, and Lucy has already had hers while I was bathing Hazel. Spartan football at noon and I'll be out in the studio while he's enjoying his game. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Written in Sand

Thankfully, goals are written in sand and not in stone. My goal of getting Joyce's quilt done yesterday fell short. I hustled my hind end off to try to get it done and yet...I'm still a few hours away from finishing. Today will be the day as I have to get it in sent down to her ASAP. 

It's a snowy and very cold (in the 20's) morning. How is it I was in capri pants and short sleeved shirts just a week ago? Granted, I was still in Indiana, but Jim said it was just as warm up here while I was gone. 

A frozen Quilting at the Lake
I love this pic. It's the winter version of my logo.

And I have to get a little personal because I'm a proud mom. Here's a pic of Caleb and Lia (son and DIL) at the Military Ball on Veterans Day week last week. 

Even Sparty got into the act
Nails this morning. I have to run over to Pieces right afterwards and then I have a customer coming to drop off a top. I'll be finishing Joyces quilt in the afternoon/evening and maybe get a little more quilting on Bernadettes top in before calling it a day. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Bernadette's quilt is back on Bernie. Pat has picked up her baby quilt. DW is still wearing Joyce's top, but hopefully not too much longer. Here's some of the quilting going into it...

Each "rail" getting a different treatment
All those thread changes and motif changes. much time...but so much fun!!

I have to focus entirely on this today. I'm only expecting one drop off and it's going to be a husband doing a quick "drive by" so that's hardly a disruption. My goal is get this done by the end of today. Here's crossing our fingers. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Does anybody out there have any artistic/crafting abilities? Painting, drawing, wood working? Quilting? How well do you work under pressure? With a deadline? 

I have two tops that need to be quilted quickly. This one...

Pat's baby gift
I was informed needs to be done by tomorrow. She called Monday to let me know this but had not indicated, when dropping it off, that it had a deadline. I had to pull Bernadettes top off (only a quarter of the way finished) and put this one on Bernie so I could make the rush. 

The other time sensitive top is still on DW. I crossed the half-way point last night before loading Pat's onto Bernie. I'll work on Pats today and get it done and then move back over to DW to work on Joyce's. UGH!

I have to stop this. Somehow. I want to do an amazing job on these quilts, but with time putting pressure on me, it's hard to set in some really cool (and oftentimes intricate) quilting because I have limitations. Mostly, time. 

Meanwhile...Jim is out hunting. He didn't bring anything home with him yesterday, so maybe today the deer will be more cooperative. And it's going to be a beautiful day to work; the snow last night and the sunshine this morning makes everything look so pretty. I love winter!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Happy Hunting Day

Jim is "home" today but out hunting deer. He'll be "home" tomorrow too. I've heard a lot of shots around the area, but he hasn't gotten anything as of yet. 

Here's what's on DW today...

Joyce's gift to her husband
This is a very large top and is taking quite some time to quilt. It would help if people would be a little more patient with me. I'm a custom quilter, not a machine; not a robot. It all takes time to plan and then implement,,,and implement with artistry not mechanics. 

Calls about "when is my quilt going to be done" when I haven't even had them for a month is frustrating and then puts pressure on me to hurry up and just whip through these. I don't think people want me whipping through anything. 

I have a LOT of Christmas tops to get through. I'm working two machines at once, and I WILL meet all deadlines; even if I have to work 20 hour days. Which may be an actual situation if this keeps up. I guess I try to please everybody and make sure my business/name stays on the good side of things. My health may be the result of the downfall though and that's kind of concerning. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Happy To Be Back

I love (love, love, love) going to retreats. Except I miss Jim and the girls terribly and after a few days, find myself excited to be returning home to them. It's nice retreating down at The Springs because I come home every day.

I was able to get a lot done though but look forward to getting back to somewhat of a work routine. As much as I missed Jim and the girls, I think I missed the big machines almost as much. And this was supposed to be a vacation retreat for me (no work or work-related discussions). Ha! I brought a top home from a new friend from Tennessee and handed out about a dozen (or more) business cards. 

Here's one of the tops I did get together...

MSQC's Summer Camp pattern
We had a show and tell at the end of the retreat and what a visual delight! So many talented quilt makers out there. 

Here's a few of my favorites...

Terri's finished quilt

A 365 from previous years

Another 365 but with a different setting and not all the blocks
I'll be getting Linda's quilt off the frame today. The new one I brought back is a time sensitive piece and I'm washing the backing for her right now. I'll be loading that once the back is dried and pressed. I slept in this morning (was very much needed) and so am still in my jammies. Already a slow start to today but I'm not expecting anybody so it's all okay. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day

I'm going to get as much studio work done until lunch time. I have everything packed. The house is clean. The truck is loaded. I'm nearly ready to go. I'll vote in my travels downstate later since it's on the way. 

We traded out one of our pieces of furniture. Lucy is demonstrating which one went away...

"But I like this loveseat mom."
This is being donated to Midland Center for the Arts. Mom got a new loveseat in her living room and her other fairly new one (newer than what Lucy is sleeping on) came home with us on Sunday. 

Go vote today. There's a lot of confusion on Prop 2 here in the family, including myself, but get the facts (The TV ads don't give all the information and most of them are lies anyway) through to read the entire list of proposal content as well as their actual purpose. 

Monday, November 7, 2022


Haven't been on the long arms since Friday night. We had errands to do most of Saturday and after getting home, grabbing a bite to eat and watching a movie, it was time for MSU football. We lost power right after the game ended (high winds during the storm). Just got it back late (like almost noon) this morning. 

I've been running to moms to shower and this morning, doing laundry. I have to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow for Shipshewana and didn't know when we were going to get our power back on (originally, Consumers was saying Tuesday after 10pm). Now I have to pack. I've spent the afternoon putting the house back together (it's astounding how quickly it gets messed up) and don't know when I'll be able to get on the machines today...if at all. 

Here's some of the quilting detail going into Bernadettes quilt...

Linda's quilt is still not finished. While Jim was watching his football game, I made these (which will go to Shipshewana with me to finish)...
Ravioli's for Lucy's new dog bed
And then I made this...

Fabric Basket
I need to finish making some binding for the Rayola quilting going to retreat because I don't want to deal with those long strips at a retreat center. So much to do! 

Needless to say, I'll be absent out here for a week. Here's hoping you have power and you're snug in your home(s). 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Yesterdays Post

For some reason, yesterdays post never posted. That's why there will be two posts today as I only noticed it this morning. Here's what's on Bernie today...

All hand pieced!
This is a mixture of EPP hexagons and diamonds. She inserted the dolls/doll clothes between all the hexes. This is going to be a very long quilt to work so will be on Bernie for a while. Linda's quilt is about half-way completed and here is some of the quilting going in...
A small sample of the quilting
I was able to get those Red Snappers on Bernies leaders and the loading took 10 minutes, instead of an hour. I was at a good stopping point last night but not late enough for me to come out of the studio. Jim was out blowing leaves (our Oaks are nearly bare now) so I started a new dog bed project for Lucy.
The ravioli's are made
We find Lucy sleeping on Hazel's puff bed, so I'm going to make her one. And the funny thing is, the big dog will probably be on the little bed and vice versa. 

I have one new customer due around 11:30 today to drop off. The neighbors arrived late last night so we'll be spending some time with them this weekend. Jim is on-call, but we need to run errands tomorrow morning so we won't wander too far. 

I'm only open next Monday and Tuesday morning. I'm going on a much needed vacation for the remainder of the week. I've been running crazy since the reunion in July and need to get away from everything for a few days. Shipshawana bound on Tuesday afternoon for a get-away retreat!

Non-Quilting Busy Day

Yesterday was a busy day with the family visiting, the cleaning prior to, and the customers picking up. Today I have a new customer coming to drop off, another 'regular' coming to pick up, and our neighbors are supposed to be up at some point. We haven't seen them in six weeks (or more). 

Needless to say, I didn't get much quilting done yesterday. One border top was set in and that was it. 😒

But, while we were visiting with the family, UPS showed up and here's what arrived...

Red Snappers!!!!!!!!!!
I was so excited when they came I almost abandoned the visiting folks to get these into the leaders on Bernie. But...I held back. And the family is so disinterested in my work they didn't even inquire as to what these were when I unboxed them.

That's about all in the quilting life to report for the past 24 hours. Sad, huh? 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Family Visits

I don't think some of our family members identify with my business. Nor do they acknowledge I am a business owner with business obligations. Some of them even forget Jim and I are both still working. Jim's aunt and his mother decided yesterday they would head down here for a visit today; and will be arriving around 2:00 this afternoon. 

My mom was called to kind of "buffer" the situation until Jim gets home from work. She knows Ann and Aunt June and will visit with them while I have people in and out.

I have two (possibly three) customers coming to pick up and I have my usual work to do on the machine(s). I should bake some brownies, tidy up the house (to my MIL's standards), and drag down and clean up the big coffee pot. But ya know what? IF I have time to get to those non-business things, I will. Otherwise, they'll just have to deal with what we have here on such short notice.

Morning rant done. Here's what's on DW this morning...

Linda's Star Top's customer number one...gotta get.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

It's the 1st

I take time on the first of every month to thoroughly clean out any machines I've used since the last month. DW certainly needed a scrubbing! He's been working his arse off the past month and deserved the royal treatment. Bernie and Ellie are still very new, but they got a bit of a spa treatment this morning as well.

Here's what's on DW this morning...

Another big one from Sandy
This is getting an E2E, but I'm driving today instead of the computer. When we have a lot of passes from right to left, threads have a tendency to get twisted and eventually snap. She wants rolling waves in here so I'll just do my thing going from left to right.

Diana's quilt is done, but still on Bernie. 

Some of the quilt detail in Diana's quilt
I haven't unloaded it yet because I received notification my new Red Snappers have been shipped and I'm kinda waiting for those to arrive before loading anything else. I know. I'm being a baby about pinning. But I'm woman enough to admit I'm clumsy and sticking myself with pins isn't high on my fun list. 

I tried a new thread out yesterday (always willing to keep an open mind about these things), and I've gotta say, we're not ever using that again in the long arm. This was after one pass yesterday...

The bobbin area was much worse
I was having to clean the whole thread path and the bobbin area with each pass. I'm glad today was the first because he took a little abuse yesterday. The thread that did this? Mettler. I wouldn't recommend it.

Not so Snuggle Sunday

Okay, so we did snuggle a little after lunch and before the game, and then again after it was finished in the early evening. Meanwhile, in t...