Friday, November 18, 2022

Written in Sand

Thankfully, goals are written in sand and not in stone. My goal of getting Joyce's quilt done yesterday fell short. I hustled my hind end off to try to get it done and yet...I'm still a few hours away from finishing. Today will be the day as I have to get it in sent down to her ASAP. 

It's a snowy and very cold (in the 20's) morning. How is it I was in capri pants and short sleeved shirts just a week ago? Granted, I was still in Indiana, but Jim said it was just as warm up here while I was gone. 

A frozen Quilting at the Lake
I love this pic. It's the winter version of my logo.

And I have to get a little personal because I'm a proud mom. Here's a pic of Caleb and Lia (son and DIL) at the Military Ball on Veterans Day week last week. 

Even Sparty got into the act
Nails this morning. I have to run over to Pieces right afterwards and then I have a customer coming to drop off a top. I'll be finishing Joyces quilt in the afternoon/evening and maybe get a little more quilting on Bernadettes top in before calling it a day. 

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