Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day

I'm going to get as much studio work done until lunch time. I have everything packed. The house is clean. The truck is loaded. I'm nearly ready to go. I'll vote in my travels downstate later since it's on the way. 

We traded out one of our pieces of furniture. Lucy is demonstrating which one went away...

"But I like this loveseat mom."
This is being donated to Midland Center for the Arts. Mom got a new loveseat in her living room and her other fairly new one (newer than what Lucy is sleeping on) came home with us on Sunday. 

Go vote today. There's a lot of confusion on Prop 2 here in the family, including myself, but get the facts (The TV ads don't give all the information and most of them are lies anyway) through Michigan.gov to read the entire list of proposal content as well as their actual purpose. 

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