Friday, November 25, 2022

Getting Ready for Our Turkey Day

I've been cleaning like a madwoman all morning. The family starts arriving later this afternoon. I'm going to load both long arms this morning and then start food prep right after lunch. 

While Jim was out stringing lights yesterday, I made this cute pillow/pin cushion...

From the Farm Girl Vintage 2 book by Lori Holt
Once that was completed, I moved on to this...

When unrolled, it's a traveling silverware set. It's green friendly since now I'll never have to worry about plastic silverware. Not that we go out a lot. 

Just insert a set of silverware
That didn't take long to make and decided I could get the "cats" done before it got dark.

Yammy Cat and Pod Cats
Not a great pic, but you get the idea. They're adhered down to the surface but not yet blanket stitched. I'll work on those over the next few weeks. 

From there I moved onto starting something new. I bought a kit at the "yard sale" at Shipshewana and while rummaging through the studio, found it and started that. Everything is cut and now I'm piecing together...

Working from the center outward
And that's about all of my day yesterday. I surprise myself at how much I can accomplish in the studio when I don't have to "work". But I really did miss working on the big machines.

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