Monday, November 14, 2022

Happy To Be Back

I love (love, love, love) going to retreats. Except I miss Jim and the girls terribly and after a few days, find myself excited to be returning home to them. It's nice retreating down at The Springs because I come home every day.

I was able to get a lot done though but look forward to getting back to somewhat of a work routine. As much as I missed Jim and the girls, I think I missed the big machines almost as much. And this was supposed to be a vacation retreat for me (no work or work-related discussions). Ha! I brought a top home from a new friend from Tennessee and handed out about a dozen (or more) business cards. 

Here's one of the tops I did get together...

MSQC's Summer Camp pattern
We had a show and tell at the end of the retreat and what a visual delight! So many talented quilt makers out there. 

Here's a few of my favorites...

Terri's finished quilt

A 365 from previous years

Another 365 but with a different setting and not all the blocks
I'll be getting Linda's quilt off the frame today. The new one I brought back is a time sensitive piece and I'm washing the backing for her right now. I'll be loading that once the back is dried and pressed. I slept in this morning (was very much needed) and so am still in my jammies. Already a slow start to today but I'm not expecting anybody so it's all okay. 

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