Monday, November 7, 2022


Haven't been on the long arms since Friday night. We had errands to do most of Saturday and after getting home, grabbing a bite to eat and watching a movie, it was time for MSU football. We lost power right after the game ended (high winds during the storm). Just got it back late (like almost noon) this morning. 

I've been running to moms to shower and this morning, doing laundry. I have to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow for Shipshewana and didn't know when we were going to get our power back on (originally, Consumers was saying Tuesday after 10pm). Now I have to pack. I've spent the afternoon putting the house back together (it's astounding how quickly it gets messed up) and don't know when I'll be able to get on the machines today...if at all. 

Here's some of the quilting detail going into Bernadettes quilt...

Linda's quilt is still not finished. While Jim was watching his football game, I made these (which will go to Shipshewana with me to finish)...
Ravioli's for Lucy's new dog bed
And then I made this...

Fabric Basket
I need to finish making some binding for the Rayola quilting going to retreat because I don't want to deal with those long strips at a retreat center. So much to do! 

Needless to say, I'll be absent out here for a week. Here's hoping you have power and you're snug in your home(s). 

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Not so Snuggle Sunday

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