Friday, June 30, 2023

What's Missing?

So, what's missing from this pic? 

See anything wrong?
There's a carriage there (upper portion of the pic) but no head. DW is headed to Lansing for his annual spa treatment. Meanwhile, his bed is a great place to put customer quilts waiting to be picked up. 

Once I got DW torn down, and then loaded into the truck (thank you Wayne for coming over and helping with this), I had to move all the quilts in waiting over to DW's bed. Jim is currently sleeping downstairs since he's "disabled" for the time being, and for a few weeks the quilts can reside here. Hopefully though, people will come and pick these up. 

Work on Bernie commenced and the moth is taking longer than anticipated because of what I've decided to quilt in it. But that's okay. No hurries on this one. 

The neighbors are up this weekend and the girls discovered their daughter and granddaughters also came since their dog, Walter, came over this morning to fetch the girls for some play time. And, wonderful neighbors that they are, Mr. Beller is mowing both of our lawns at once this morning. One less thing for me to do.

Don't know if anybody is coming today or not. I have two customers who said they'd be by this week to pick up and it's now Friday. Had two come yesterday; one pick up and one drop off...another Flea Market, and it's so nice to hear all the positive comments about our new studio adventures. Though on hold for the time being since we are down a worker. 

After working on the long arm for a while, I decided, with the storms coming in, shutting down the long arm was probably a good idea, and I was pooped anyway. I pieced three 100 blocks instead and here are numbers 4, 13, and 22.

12 blocks done already. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

No Pics Today

Not much happening in the studio other than long arming customer quilts. I already showed pics of what was going into Janice's quilt and I didn't work on Bernie at all yesterday. 

I'm on this time crunch to get Janice's quilt done before tearing down DW later this afternoon. And...I only have one more roll/row/set of borders to work so I should be done by lunch today, but either way, it'll be complete before tonight to get the machine loaded into the truck. Hopefully.  

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Spa Time

DW is heading to Lansing on Friday morning to spend some time getting all cleaned and fixed. He's running fine. He just has some electrical issues and limited response on a few of his buttons that need to be addressed. So, I'm on a time crunch with him this week. 

I started on Bernie yesterday...

AWESOME texture!
Once the backing was frame ironed I switched over to DW. Here's what he's wearing today...
Janice's Irish Chain
I'm about half-way done with this one and I'll continue on now that we are back from Midland after getting ortho consults on Jim's knee. Which isn't as damaged as we originally were told on Friday. Yay!

Here's some of the quilting going into it...
This is a "clean" looking quilt so I'm keeping it clean in the quilting
After this one is done, then so is DW for a few weeks. They'll have him down in Lansing all of next week and then we have reunion, so won't be able to fetch him until around the 11th or 12th. I'll continue working on smaller-sized customer quilts on Bernie, but all the big ones are on hold for now. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Apparently I Can't Count

Here's some more quilting detail on Pam K.'s quilt...

Large Borders? No Problem
This quilt is done and I'm just getting all the markings out before removing it from the frame this morning. Not sure what else, if anything, is going on DW this week. He's scheduled to head to Lansing on Friday morning, meaning whatever I decide to get on there has to be done by Thursday night. That's some pressure. While working on mark removal last night, I pieced together the next block in the 100 blocks challenge. 

My snafu with the 100 blocks cutting situation was because I thought the next row started with block 31. It was actually supposed to be 21 and found that out after incorrectly piecing the whole incorrect block. But 21 is now done. 

The real block 21
I'll be working on Lynn S.'s quilt today on Bernie regardless of what (if) I find a quick(er) one to tackle on DW. 

Jim is still on the couch/his chair. Ortho appointment first thing tomorrow morning in Midland to determine just how long he'll be hanging around the house with me. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Lesson Learned

Saturday, while I was coaching my 7-year old granddaughter through her first experience with cross stitching on plastic canvas (her other grandma bought her a kit), I was cutting out the next three blocks on the 100 blocks challenge. Her parents were canning strawberry jam and her brothers, were as usual, beating each other up. 

When I went to piece these together yesterday, discovered that block #12 was cut pretty incorrectly and had to recut several pieces, or even cut pieces I skipped over. Block #31 was cut as an entirely different block and none of it usable. Needless to say, I only got two blocks done yesterday...

#3 and #12 in the mustard yellow
Won't have time today to deal with this until maybe later tonight. Since Jim is out of commission until further notice, ALL the house/yard chores as well as my business are on my shoulders. I'll have to make sure all of that is dealt with before I get some sinful piecing pleasure at night. 😇

Working on Pam K.'s quilt today mostly. DW is supposed to head to Lansing on Friday, but again, it depends on what the ortho people say later this week and whether he can even drive himself down there. I'd have to load DW myself into the truck and I'm not sure I'll be able to get him up there in the back seat. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Interesting 24 Hours

Had a customer come to pick up yesterday and I was pulling fabrics for the 100 blocks challenge starting in a week. This particular customer has a background in interior design and said what I pulled would not work. Color really isn't my thing anyway, so listened to what she had to say. 

After she left and Jim and I gobbled down some lunch, I headed over to Pieces to get the proper fabrics for this challenge. 

I came right home and pieced my last block on FGV2 giving myself permission to start playing with the new fabrics. 
Say Cheese

I basted in the new quilt in DW and while Jim was moving more dirt, I was working on the first three blocks of my 100 days blocks. Here's where I got to...

Days 1, 2 and 11
Here's the deal. I can do the blocks in their original order, OR, do them by color. I've chosen the later. The reason I have some of the blocks already, even though the challenge hasn't started yet, is because we have family reunion coming up and I know I'll get behind if I don't get a little ahead. 

After piecing these three, I decided I better actually do some real work. Here's what the first border looks like on Pam K's quilt

Pam's 1st border
This morning was a "new studio" work day. The kids came up last night with the explicit intention of relearning how to make strawberry jam. However, the cement truck was coming this morning. And since we have an asphalt driveway, we had to haul 3 1/2 cubic yards of the footer concrete with a cement buggy. Here's the first pour going in...

My son Ben and Jim pouring the first load
But then we ended up here...

Jim messed up his knee on the second load all this cement work rested on Ben, Alisha (his wife), and my shoulders. Jim hung out until we were done with the cement but yeah, Jim is out of commission for at least eight weeks. 

But we got 'er done and here's the footers, pads, and crock cement curing. 

Next step, the foundation
There was some interesting happenings between Jim being "bucked" off the cement buggy and my writing tonight. We almost got in a horrific car accident, the two knee brace places were both closed early today making our trip to West Branch useless meaning we had to head back to urgent care to put on a temporary brace (the pic above), the fridge decided it didn't want to close any more (Ben found the  problem with it and fixed it just a bit ago), and the dog sitter for the reunion can no longer watch the dogs for us. See...interesting 24 hours.

Tomorrow Jim and the kids will be making jam. Maybe I can get some long arming done?

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Longest Day

Not only was yesterday the longest light day of the year (happy summer solstice), but it was pretty long for Jim and I both. Up early and off and running all day long.

Here's what DW is going to be wearing for the day (and weekend, and part of next week)...

Pam K's appliquéd flowers
This is one of those quilts that will [hopefully] look stunning when I get it done. Here's some detail of what went into Carla's quilt yesterday...

Vines and Leaves
Bernie is also wearing new attire today and will be for the unforeseeable future...

Lynn S's FPP Moth
Both of the tops on the frames are for new customers so I haven't learned their preferences yet. But with any luck, they'll be pleased. 

While DW was stitching out yesterday, and while I was frame ironing backing(s), I was able to construct all but the last block for FGV2...

I have enough if I want to set this in a 6x8 setting, but I'm thinking I'd rather have it set in a 7x7, so I'm going to make one more block today. 

On the construction front, the footer frames are complete. The [B] kids are coming up tonight to help with the cement we're expecting tomorrow, and then if the construction gods are with us, the blocks will be delivered on Saturday. Amongst all of that, Jim is supposed to be teaching them how to make strawberry jam. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Lots to Report

I finished Luann's second quilt yesterday and here's what went into that...

Circles to reduce the sharp points
While I was loading the next backing I worked on Diane's quilt on Bernie. I'll start with that today because the next quilt on DW is an E2E. Here's what he's wearing today...
Carla's next quilt
I've got everything set up and ready to go on this one, but will wait until after lunch to start it. Dianes should be done by then.

Jim got home from work last night and look what arrived in the mail!

Upside down but you get the idea
100 Days, 100 Blocks pattern is here!!! I perused through it last night before starting on FGV2 and some of these blocks are going to be pretty intense. I need to work out how I'm going to use the four colors for the main pattern and then integrate the fat quarter bundles I purchased for the remaining frames. 

Speaking of FGV2, here's the block I made last night...

Watering Can
And only four more blocks to go. The last block in this book is a log cabin block, and then I've selected three more from a previous Lori Holt book I had. 

While I was working on that, Jim tackled a few needed projects around the property (getting the weeds down by the "beach", watering trees/garden plants, and shortening the girls' temporary pen grass. He then moved onto new studio work and has all the trenches in for the footer forms. 

From the backroom window
He'll get those forms together tonight (most likely) and he's discouraged at how long this is taking. But a room without a proper foundation is doomed for disaster and I'm glad he's taking his time. It seems like the beginning process of any construction project (quilting or wood) takes forever. Look how long I've been working on FGV2! Persistence is key and looking ahead to the finished product motivates. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Very Busy Monday

I got Luanns first quilt quilted. Here's some of the detail that went into it...

Flowers for the Gnomes
Once that was done, I got right into the second one of hers. While frame ironing her back, I worked on Diane's quilt on Bernie. Bernie and I were not getting along yesterday. After getting about a third of the way into Diane's quilt, I decided to shut Bernie off for the day. It wasn't worth the headaches. I know what's wrong, and until I get a new backlash spring for the bobbin case (I messed it up), we will probably have these issues. 

Luanns backing was ready anyway and so headed back over to DW to get her threads picked out and get her top basted in for this morning. Here's what's on DW today...

Cute and soft (flannel) baby quilt
I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with this but I'll take a look at the patchwork and decide from there. 

Jim brought the trencher home yesterday and worked on the corners of the new studio last night...

Cutting through that rock hard clay
While he was working out there, and after I was prepped for today, I switched to some piecing and put together the next block in FGV2...

Strawberry Jam
I think I only have four more to do before I can start constructing this top. I'll have to recheck that tonight. 

Expecting one customer today; both a pick up and a few drop-offs, and there is a lot of noise in and around the neighborhood again. Mowing, weed whacking, deck building, barn building, rock dumping, dam construction, and of course, my long arm machine will add to the mix. All the signs of summer. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Relaxing Sunday

Just spent the day relaxing yesterday. Jim trimmed Hazel and I made this block...

...and that's about it. Dads need to enjoy a day or two during the year, right?

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Small Projects Mixed In

Yesterday, while Jim was shoveling dirt, I was working on removing Bernadettes quilt from DW and frame ironing for the next quilt being loaded. Here's what's on DW ready for Monday...

Luanns cute little top
Between rolls and spritzing, I was able to construct a few blocks on Farm Girl Vintage 2...

Sewing Baskets

Sisters Quilt Block

Small Town Block

Spring Blossom Block
The spring blossom block should have been done in a lighter blue I think, as well as lighter greens, but it'll be okay I suppose.

It looks like I have about seven more blocks to go. Hopefully I can get those done in time for the 100 Day 100 Blocks challenge. IF the pattern arrives from Australia in time. 

Happy Fathers day to all of you dads out there. I just got off the phone with mine and am lucky to still have a dad to talk to. 

Here's a peek at the studio progress (dirt removal) as of yesterday afternoon...

Taking away the SE corner

Removing the SW corner/end

Friday, June 16, 2023

Weather and Construction

It's hard to build when the weather doesn't cooperate. Jim, instead gave Lucy a hair cut and Hazel a bath. I continued to work on Bernadettes quilt. Which isn't done. Yet. Hopefully today.

One customer coming to pick up later. I have a nail appointment first thing this morning and then am heading back over to Pieces to pick up some more white. Last night when I made this block...

Scrappy Block
And then cut the whites for the next, I bled the white yardage dry. And I still have about 10 blocks to go. 

And that's about all to report on the studio front this morning. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

100 Blocks in 100 Days

Angie, from Gnome Angel, is again hosting a 100 blocks in 100 days quilt-along. I was vacillating on whether or not I was going to participate, but then after attending the Pieces of Thyme sale last night, found fabric bundles and complimentary yardages at a fairly low price. So, I'm doing it. It starts July 1st and after returning home, I purchased the pattern, which is now on its way. 

I may regret my choice of pattern though. After placing my order, found there are a lot of little pieces in some of the blocks and instead of choosing paper piecing I instead opted for a traditionally pieced pattern without the templates. I may regret this decision. Hmmm?? I'll find out when the pattern arrives.

Still working on Bernadettes quilt. Here's some of the quilting going into it. Enjoy!

3-D tire track

Straw sticking out of the bales

A new background filler

Pebbles in the corn

Giving the silo some dimension
I'm just about done with the center section, which is loaded with stuff to do. I may (big if here) get this done today. I have customers in and out all day today to pick up. They are heading to the sale and will be by here in their travels. No work on Bernie yesterday. 

We are getting a nice soaking rain this morning and it's so dark out I have all the lights on in the house. But we need the rain. Jim worked on the footers again last night and even though we do need the rain, he didn't really want any right now with the studio work he's dealing with. Leveling requires precision and mucking up the soil is not a good building plan. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Icky Lake

Our lake has already started its seaweed and algae growth for the summer. This doesn't usually happen until mid-July but with the warmer temps, and the lack of rain (lower lake levels) we have a large crop of icky on the lake already.  

Working on Bernadettes quilt (mostly) today. Here's some of the quilting going into it...

Mickey's quilt is off Bernie and this one is now getting put on...
Dianes cute baby quilt
I haven't actually basted in yet but it's there when I need it. While I was leveling Bernie (he'd gotten out of whack with the low humidity of late), Jim was working on the footer frames now that we have the permit issue ironed out...
It seems we were both leveling last night
He was making great progress and then a sudden cloud burst from the east came through. It was after 8:00 so it was probably a good thing.

After crawling around on the floor getting Bernie back to rights, I constructed the next block in FGV2...

It seems there's construction all around us. Maybe people are getting ready for the lakes to return? The folks to the NE are putting up a garage-type structure, we have the studio going in. Somebody to the SE of us is banging and sawing, and then there's always the noise filtering upstream for the dam progress. 

I had two customers come in yesterday to drop off tops, but am not expecting any today. Of course, I wasn't expecting those two yesterday either, but they are always very welcome to come by!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Typing a little slow this morning. More to come on that. Cathy's quilt is finished and here's what's loaded onto DW today...

Bernadettes Self-designed top
This quilt top is so darn stinking cute! And Bernadette did all the design work herself. Mickey's quilt is still on the frame, but quilted. Here's some of the background fill...
I love my swirls
I was just about finished with this quilt when this happened...
Benie bit me. I guess I wanted to have part of my body long armed into Mickey's quilt. 83+ million stitches on DW and he's only every nicked a fingernail. Not even 4 million on Bernie and he's already biting. Not cool. 

What this means is that I'm very comfortable with Bernie and I'm getting a little lax and sloppy. I respect DW until the cows come home. He's a bigger machine and I'm always on my toes with him. Bernie and I are like best friends and we've gotten into a comfortable relationship since he's much smaller and not as intimating. 

I didn't want to bleed all over Mickey's quilt so decided to do something else for the night; loaded and basted in Bernadettes top and then I put this block together before calling it a day...

Quilting Day Block
Jim is starting his jams for the season. Strawberry was done last night. And since we still don't have our building permit, that was a good thing for him to do. 


Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...