Friday, June 2, 2023

Phone Calls Change Things

At least the phone call I received yesterday wasn't about a person who was/is dying. No, this one was about a quilt that needs to be done asap for an upcoming quilt show. 

Wait, this isn't DW

I had to move Carla's quilt over to Bernie (Donna's is resting right now and will be done later this morning), and then the new persons (Dorrie) quilt is on DW. Here's what we are starting with on DW this morning...

a GIANT Jelly Roll Race quilt
The backing on this quilt is do darn cute!!

The couple that will be receiving this quilt after the show is over loves cats. So, that's what I'm going to stitch in the top. Cats and kitty paws. Well, DW is going to do the work today once I get everything basted in. The backing came all nicely folded with all the nice fold lines to eradicate last night. 

Here's a little more information on what the happenings are around the DeGroot house...

Option A

Option B

Or Option C
I like C. If everything is measuring out then this seems like the best way to set up the studio so customers are still involved with the long arming (many like to peek at what I'm working on) and if I'm sewing I can still get to the pressing table rather easily. And my beautiful sewing table Ben made for me can come back into the house rather than in pieces out in the barn!

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Applique Sunday

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