Friday, June 23, 2023

Interesting 24 Hours

Had a customer come to pick up yesterday and I was pulling fabrics for the 100 blocks challenge starting in a week. This particular customer has a background in interior design and said what I pulled would not work. Color really isn't my thing anyway, so listened to what she had to say. 

After she left and Jim and I gobbled down some lunch, I headed over to Pieces to get the proper fabrics for this challenge. 

I came right home and pieced my last block on FGV2 giving myself permission to start playing with the new fabrics. 
Say Cheese

I basted in the new quilt in DW and while Jim was moving more dirt, I was working on the first three blocks of my 100 days blocks. Here's where I got to...

Days 1, 2 and 11
Here's the deal. I can do the blocks in their original order, OR, do them by color. I've chosen the later. The reason I have some of the blocks already, even though the challenge hasn't started yet, is because we have family reunion coming up and I know I'll get behind if I don't get a little ahead. 

After piecing these three, I decided I better actually do some real work. Here's what the first border looks like on Pam K's quilt

Pam's 1st border
This morning was a "new studio" work day. The kids came up last night with the explicit intention of relearning how to make strawberry jam. However, the cement truck was coming this morning. And since we have an asphalt driveway, we had to haul 3 1/2 cubic yards of the footer concrete with a cement buggy. Here's the first pour going in...

My son Ben and Jim pouring the first load
But then we ended up here...

Jim messed up his knee on the second load all this cement work rested on Ben, Alisha (his wife), and my shoulders. Jim hung out until we were done with the cement but yeah, Jim is out of commission for at least eight weeks. 

But we got 'er done and here's the footers, pads, and crock cement curing. 

Next step, the foundation
There was some interesting happenings between Jim being "bucked" off the cement buggy and my writing tonight. We almost got in a horrific car accident, the two knee brace places were both closed early today making our trip to West Branch useless meaning we had to head back to urgent care to put on a temporary brace (the pic above), the fridge decided it didn't want to close any more (Ben found the  problem with it and fixed it just a bit ago), and the dog sitter for the reunion can no longer watch the dogs for us. See...interesting 24 hours.

Tomorrow Jim and the kids will be making jam. Maybe I can get some long arming done?

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Applique Sunday

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