Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Icky Lake

Our lake has already started its seaweed and algae growth for the summer. This doesn't usually happen until mid-July but with the warmer temps, and the lack of rain (lower lake levels) we have a large crop of icky on the lake already.  

Working on Bernadettes quilt (mostly) today. Here's some of the quilting going into it...

Mickey's quilt is off Bernie and this one is now getting put on...
Dianes cute baby quilt
I haven't actually basted in yet but it's there when I need it. While I was leveling Bernie (he'd gotten out of whack with the low humidity of late), Jim was working on the footer frames now that we have the permit issue ironed out...
It seems we were both leveling last night
He was making great progress and then a sudden cloud burst from the east came through. It was after 8:00 so it was probably a good thing.

After crawling around on the floor getting Bernie back to rights, I constructed the next block in FGV2...

It seems there's construction all around us. Maybe people are getting ready for the lakes to return? The folks to the NE are putting up a garage-type structure, we have the studio going in. Somebody to the SE of us is banging and sawing, and then there's always the noise filtering upstream for the dam progress. 

I had two customers come in yesterday to drop off tops, but am not expecting any today. Of course, I wasn't expecting those two yesterday either, but they are always very welcome to come by!

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...