Friday, May 31, 2024

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

Okay, so the Linda quilts are not going to take as long as I thought they were going to take. The first one (Williams) is done and the second back is being frame ironed right now. I'll get that loaded in the next half hour.

Dealing with wavering borders. Again!

No work on Rae's quilt yesterday. 

Work on Foster did occur and a couple of lessons were revisited while working on it. 

    Lesson 1) Don't assume the parts that come with a new machine are ready to quilt with, i.e. the needle. Skipped stitches taught me that. So replaced needle. And did a thorough cleaning of the race and bobbin area. 

    Lesson 2) Don't assume new is better. While I appreciated the idea of clear view on the frame, it was not holding the quilt parallel with the ground, and, I didn't have anything to put my arm/hand on while quilting. Thank goodness it wasn't an extra feature I had to pay for; it just came with the frame. 

    Lesson 3) Different thread delivery requires modifications on thread treatment. I will have to net all the large cones of thread on the new machine because the thread base sits and is designed differently. It kept catching and breaking/shredding the thread. 

Here's what was giving me these re-learned lessons...

Crazy Feather

Work on Jay consisted of two blocks, but the first row is ready to assemble. Jim yard mowed this week so I didn't have to which gave me an extra two hours of studio time. Yay!

Gas line in!
Jim also did some studio work outside. The gas line is buried and no longer worrisome to me. It made me nervous with it above ground, especially since we are into mowing season. A very productive day for us both!

Thursday, May 30, 2024


The new long arm didn't seem like part of the "gang" until he was reasonably dressed. Meaning, he needed some tattoos to fit in with the crowd. Nearly all of my machines have some kind of bling on them and it was a visual priority for me to get him to fit in...

Do you see anything missing?
Jim noticed it right off the bat when Foster was delivered. Can you see it? The line on the "Q" is missing, making it look like I have a HoForte. No, he's a guy, not a ho. 😆

DW stitched Ann's quilt out beautifully but I can't say the same for me. The motif I selected was too big for the frame space and he, inadvertently, twice, motored out because I didn't give him enough space. That was fixed (error on my part) and he had her quilt done by lunchtime.

In fact, I was starting to frame iron the back of the next set of quilts when I called Ann to let her know it was finished. Yes, I wrote that correctly; the next SET of quilts. 

Here's what I'll be working on today...

Linda's first of three for William
There's a story that goes with the next three quilts but I won't carry one about that. They are all pretty much the same but each requiring a little different treatment in quilting. This is Williams' quilt. 

I'll be using the ProStitcher to do these, but not in the E2E format. Each individual block receives a singular motif. All the blocks have to be ditched, so I'll be driving that portion, but then will engage the motors to do the piano keys and the motif for each block. Very time consuming!

Each of these next three quilts measure 80"x100" so this isn't a one day and done situation. Plan on seeing these for a while. 

Nobody expected today. My batting and the tattoos showed yesterday. Still waiting on the Red Snappers and a check from a customer but doubt if they'll show today as I received texts/messages about both just yesterday. Onward, ho. 😊

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Four of Six

I currently have six machines set up in the studio. Three are long arms and three are domestic sewing machines; one for sit-down quilting only. Of the six machines, I was on four of them yesterday. All three long arms and the sit-down quilting machine.

I love my new studio!

Sherry's quilt is finally finished and here's what's on DW today... 

Ann's patriotic quilt
This is getting an E2E with DW driving. While that's stitching out I'll be working on Bernie doing some more chipping away at Rae's quilt. Lots of thread going into Rae's quilt and more thread equals more time.

The girls are still having a hard time deciphering the new studio situation. They wander around. Lay somewhere. Get up. Wander some more. Lay down. Get up. Wander some more. Lay down. This is one of the spots they wandered to yesterday...

Can't seem to find "their spot" yet
They'll figure out eventually. No customers expected today. Many deliveries expected over the next week or so. Still waiting on that batting to arrive and I have tattoos for Foster as well as a package from Gall coming. I'm also expecting the Red Snappers for Foster in that bunch of stuff so maybe something will show up today. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Yesterday's Project

I thought yesterday's project would go quicker than it did, but of course, squirreling happened and so did neighbor visits. And movie day.

These two totes have all my tops in them, along with some of the backings that go with them...

Plum full as a tick
The tote on the left was as full as the one on the right until I started pulling out tops/backs. Then I found one in the pile that just had to be loaded onto Foster because I already had the top/back pair and it doesn't require ruler work (I'm still waiting on the ruler base for Foster). I hunkered down and actually pinned the backing on and it's waiting for me to do something with it now...

A "minky" dream big panel
Okay, so I may want to put some piano keys on those borders, but I'll see what I can do without my rulers. 

No customers expected today and it's a cool-ish day to start our summer, so I'll be cranking on Sherry's quilt until it's done. It's time to get that one off of DW's frame. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Family... so important. While I was in my groove working on my latest WIP (see below) the kids arrived for a cookout, some corn hole, and then off to the ice cream shop. We had so much fun! They weren't here long, but we knew they wouldn't be and we savored the time we had with them.

Before, and after they were here, I was working on my latest WIP (bags and long arming didn't appeal at the time). 

When I moved from the previous studio to the new one, I rounded up all the WIPs and put them in separate bags and then tucked them away under the spare room bed. This one is for me to be able to work on the sit-down machine at night if I'm tired from being on my feet all day.

Making the "base" blocks
I started this about two years ago. Then after getting Bernie, the sit-down machine and the quilting table had to be put into the barn until there was more room to house everything. I'm getting the blocks all made, sandwiched, and labeled so I can just sit and sew when I feel like it. 

It's a 365 quilt and a combination of two books are being used to initiate the quilting within each block. Every block will be quilted differently with white thread and after looking at the first four "sections" already completed, have realized I have learned so much since I started this back then. Once all the blocks are quilted, the joining of them will be similar to joining quilt-as-you-go blocks. Of course, I'll keep blogging about my journey on this one.

It's not going to be finished overnight but I'm excited about it coming together at some point. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

No Pics Today

Sorry, didn't take any pics yesterday. Probably because I'm still working on Sherry's quilt. Some take longer than expected. We spent most of the afternoon running errands (mailing a quilt, groceries, etc.).

Jim's at a Small Lake Association meeting this morning and I've just spent the morning in the kitchen making food for the kids' visit later today. I'm heading into the studio right now to do something. Don't know what, but something. 

Maybe work on some bags since it'll be easy to interrupt when everybody gets back or maybe get on the big machine for a bit to work more on Sherry's quilt. We'll see what inspires me. It's a holiday weekend and basically it's a do-what-you-want kind of weekend. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

We don't have any real big plans. Need to get groceries and mail a package tonight. Jim has a township meeting tomorrow morning. The kids are coming up tomorrow for the day. Yep, that's about it. Aren't we exciting?

I plan on intermittently working throughout the weekend. Sherry's quilt is taking way longer than I had anticipated so today I'm going to try to focus on getting further than yesterday. 

After working in the studio and once Jim got home from work, he jumped (well, climbed) up on the scaffolding to work on the south end and I jumped on the mower. And the trimmer. And the stool to start ceiling repairs in the old studio where the drywall peeled away. 

But the south end is done!

A big win here!
This side has been going on for over two months now and it was time to get it finished. Can you see two pairs of eyes watching me snag the pic?

Not expecting any customers but maybe a batting delivery; that's the only hiccup on the days agenda. Enjoy the long weekend and hopefully you'll have family and friends to share remembering what this weekend is actually about (not beer, loud music, and late nights). 🏳

Thursday, May 23, 2024


I purchased a Rumba-type of vacuum for the new studio. I set it up yesterday now that everything is in its place and didn't figure, after it configured the room, it would pull much off the floor. I mean, the room is barely two weeks old and really, how dirty could it get? OMG, the bin was full when I emptied it this morning. Mostly dust and lint. 

I have a dirty job. Just sayin'. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Sherry's quilt... 

Getting the borders in
Since I had two customers come and pick up (well, one customer, one friend with the customer), and another two customers drop off two quilts, and one quilt received in the mail, I didn't get very far on this piece. Today should be less choppy.

Yard/beach maintenance last night for Jim so no work on the studio. And, the winds were screaming so the last thing he needed to be doing was getting 14 feet up in the air on scaffolding. I have mowing to do tonight now that he's trimmed everything and at some point we need to grocery shop for the weekend. It never ends, does it?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

!@#$% Seaweed

Our seaweed doesn't usually show up for another month. The warmer weather of late has inspired it to grow earlier and wow, is it growing. I haven't even got the kayak out yet. Although, the work load around here is mostly to blame for that.

Cheryl's second quilt is done...

A nice hook-swirl
I'll be calling her as I open this morning. While frame ironing backing on DW I worked on Rae's quilt some more on Bernie. This is what DW will be wearing today and probably tomorrow...
An Amish-looking top
You bet there will be some feathers in here; borders, inside, and maybe even those sashing strips?

And since it's spring, the yard and the exterior of the studio work gets a lot of attention. I mowed and trimmed the girls' pen and the south side of the interior yard last night while waiting for Jim to cut gable siding. Once he got what we needed, up on the scaffolding I go. The final tiny piece in the center and the soffits are all that is left on on the south end. 

I have a customer coming to pick up and two more coming later this afternoon to drop off; one regular and one new customer, both bringing the same quilt top. How funny is that? 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Welcome Foster!

We have the final piece put in place in the new studio. Well, equipment-wise anyway. There's still work that needs to happen structurally but as far as my end goes, I'm all set. 

Here's the new (and final) addition...

His name is Foster
I had never seen this particular machine before (though worked on another Forte in Utah). I didn't test drive it. I bought it sight unseen but was confident in my dealer and moreover, the Handi Quilter name. I loaded him up as soon as Jim and I got him all together and other than getting adjusted to button locations on the handlebars, it'll be a smooth transition from machine to machine. 

Moves like glass on his rails
This was my very first attempt at using him. Not bad? I wanted to play more, but we had a nasty thunderstorm heading our way and frankly, with all the excitement of him coming, I was pooped out. And I feel like I'm coming down with something. AGAIN! Of course, we visit the grandkids and I come home with something yucky.

Foster was supposed to come with a ruler base, but that did not happen so I need to contact my dealer about it. And it looks like, since this machine was a floor demo, he was pretty much stripped of some of his external frame parts; side clamps and batting bar. His "welcome" box had only some brief instructions and four bobbins. Far less than what he was supposed to come with. But most of that stuff I already have around here. 

There are two things I need to order for him that were not included in his purchase: a) Red Snappers. I will NOT pin to my leaders (too clumsy), and b) Anti-Fatigue mats. I don't absolutely need those right now, but will need them in the near future. 

Jim and I did not work on the gable siding last night because we were putting Foster together and then he got called out on a "smells gas" call. And, again, storms coming in.

Here's what I'll start with today on DW...

Cheryl's second quilt
This is going to get a free hand free motion hook swirl. DW drove all of yesterday on those individual blocks in her first quilt so I'll give the computer a break. Plus, I'm faster. 

No customers or deliveries expected today except maybe a roll of Hobbs Batting; not a customer, just a delivery.😆

Monday, May 20, 2024

Happy Flood-i-versary

While the inside of the studio is now "active" the outside still needs work. Well, so does the inside but that's for a rainy day.

Jim and I spent the whole morning working on the gable end and when it got too hot (upper 80's in the direct sun on scaffolding) we called it. Here's where we left off yesterday...

Still more to do
There was a birds nest in the overhang that, unfortunately, we had to take down. Maybe the babies will live as they were nearly ready to fly. 

Good news for today: The new long arm is supposed to be delivered. Originally I was told this morning, but later last week was informed it would be in the afternoon. So who knows? I have work to do on the other two machines so when it gets here it gets here. 

Caleb and Lia are the backers on this new machine and together we came up with his new name: Foster. 

I was also supposed to have a customer come and drop off today, but she has decided to mail the quilt/back to me instead and nobody else (save for the long arm delivery guy) expected.

And...four years ago today we officially lost our lake. It actually happened on the evening of the 19th, but it was today we realized the extent of what had just happened and the lake had reached a record low.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Lansing and Outside

Was in Lansing all day yesterday for Hannah's 8th birthday party. When we returned home we moved the design wall...

Now in the SW corner of the new studio
I sewed more green pieces together for the scrappy quilt I'm making and Jim took a nap. All the driving apparently wears one out.

Today we're outside working on the gable end. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024


I need to get a sign up designating where the door to Quilting at the Lake lives now. That way I don't have to "greet" people that come.

Jim was working on the 2x8" headers on the porch last night and got those all in place. Here's the new entrance...

Nice entrance
We still need a roof, and some leveling done, but it's pretty much where everything should be.

The quilt top(s) that were dropped off yesterday were time sensitive. I unloaded the back I was frame ironing on DW and loaded the first one while working on the first five blocks on Raes quilt on Bernie...
Cheryl's first quilt
DW is doing most of the block stitching and then I'm doing some ruler work in the disappearing four patch sashes. 

Off to Hannah's birthday party this morning (Lansing) and will be gone most of the day. That kind of bums me out because now that I'm in the new studio, I don't like leaving the house even more. Did I mention I LOVE the new space to create and thoroughly enjoy my passion? Maybe once or twice? 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Can't Forget the Yard

While working in the [new] studio I find myself very reluctant to leave. I want to just stay in there for always. But alas, the yard doesn't mow or trim itself. Taking a break from quilting last night I got the new grasses mowed next to the new structure and the girls' pen cleaned up. It looks a LOT better!

Two customer pick ups yesterday and while I appreciate their enthusiasm for the new addition, quilting still needs to commence. Like the lawn, the quilts don't quilt themselves. I have a new customer coming later this morning but that's all I'm expecting today.

Nails this morning, running to The Springs to drop off a quilt, and then I'll be getting back into Rae's quilt. Here's what's going into it so far...

Border treatments 
I forgot to snag a pic of what Jim has been working on. Here's the sidewalk; loosely said since there needs to be some stabilizing done to it...
Four feet wide instead of three
That area between the old deck going into the house and the new deck coming into the studio needs some work too. Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Girls

The girls are having a hard time adjusting to my being in the new space. Hazel especially. She's been in the old space her entire 5 1/2 years and she doesn't do change well anyway; hides under our bed when we start rearranging furniture in the living room. Lucy doesn't care. She's just curious. I found a fleece/denim chunk of fabric when I was cleaning out the spare bedroom of my stuff and laid this down for them.

Lucy is clearly relaxed. Hazel is trying.
But this can't stay on the floor permanently, so I'll have to take it up each evening after Jim gets home.

Went to the Pieces of Thyme VIP night last night for their annual tent sale. Bought three wide backs and saw a butt load of friends and quilting customers. It was fun to browse the store since I hadn't been over there in a while.

Here's a little quilting detail of what went into Linda's quilt...
Doing some channeling
Lindas quilt is done and she's coming to get that and I another customer is coming as well to pick up first thing today. 

I've got Raes quilt basted in and border ditched. Still debating on what to put in the first border: Feathers or Orange Peel but I need to work that out.'s something I made last night for my granddaughter before heading over to Pieces...

Hannahs birthday gift
When we went down three weeks ago for Zechariah's birthday, Hannah met us at the door with a way-too-big apron on; she was helping her other grandma make rice krispie treats and while she looked adorable, making her an apron that fits is probably something she'll use since she's showing interest in cooking. And is safer since she won't be tripping over the thing. 

Will be loading the next quilt onto DW while working on Rae's quilt. I got word yesterday that the new machine (name still undetermined) will be here Monday between 10 and 11:00. So excited! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The new studio has amazing lighting in it, yet I was struggling yesterday to see what I was doing. It was a very drab and dreary day and I was working on dark blue fabric with dark blue thread. Like, almost black-blue. I'm hoping we don't have to install further lighting, but time will tell.

Linda's quilt should be completed today. Phone distractions and a trip to the store for groceries as well as unloading sidewalk materials interrupted the work day. Not as much progress as I had hoped. Here's some more pics of the studio as it's coming together...

Standing where the new machine will be residing

A side view of the entrance section
Not much else to report today. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

How We Adapt

This adaptation is a good one. I'm amazed at how quickly I'm adapting to the new studio. I've already switched some things around; moved Ellie to the end of DW and put the bobbin winder table at the end of the pressing table. I need something to keep all my tools and Ellies sewing table wasn't cutting it. 

DW and I are still coming to terms with his leveling situation. The humid air is making the floor fluctuate. 

Jim and I were able to get the returns put onto the big sewing table last night and he's working on getting the coat rack made as well as the trim pieces cut to put on the wall to hang the quilts on. All after he mowed the entire lawn last night.

I'll be working on Linda's quilt most of today, and even possibly tomorrow, but here's what's on Bernie when I'm done with that... 

Rae's beautiful top
I like having a top loaded while I'm working on another one; it gives me time to ponder what should go into it.

Two calls yesterday; one new customer coming to drop off on Friday and another wondering if I was still open (it was nearly 4:00). Open? Yes, she said. She wanted to go to a smaller quilt shop. No, it clearly states in my Google bio and my web site I'm not a quilt shop. She saw fabric in one of my pics and assumed I was a quilt shop. Do I sell backing? No, I'm not a quilt shop. Just a long armer. Ugh!

Maybe I need to modify my web site? At any case, it's a dreary day today so I'll have all the lights in the studio on. It's so bright and cheery in there with the sunshine or with the lights. Loving my new creation place!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Good Morning Studio!

The new studio is now operational. I only have the electrical stuff to plug in (big machines, chargers, rewinder, sewing machines), but everything is moved in!

This looks much different than Thursday...

Settling in
Despite being exhausted from the trip back from Cincinnati yesterday, as soon as mom was on her way back to her place, I quickly got the laundry started, unpacked, and then headed into the new studio. 

It only took a few hours to settle in and I was off and running. Here's what's on DW today (and the next few days since this is a time sensitive situation)...
Linda's latest
I'm going to be playing batting roulette with this one because I'm using the leftover wool from her previous quilt and it's going to be really tight. 

But I'm nervous to get out there. Or maybe just so excited I'm making myself nervous. We had some leveling issues with DW last night and I hope he doesn't pull a Bernie with me constantly having to be attended to. I think they just need to settle into their new homes and hopefully this constant shifting will stop. 

Meanwhile, I have to figure out the music situation. And, despite having about a million wall outlets out there, am having a hard time finding charging places for the iPad and the work phone. But I'll think about that while I'm quilting today. 

The studio isn't done by any means. Little things here and there and a few big exterior projects still need to be tackled, but it's functioning and today will be the first day of my normal life for the foreseeable future. 😊

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Cincinnati Bound

Mom and I are heading to Cincinnati today for the weekend. She'll be able to spend Mothers Day weekend with both her kids and see my brothers house for the very first time; they've only lived in this house for about eight years already. 

Meanwhile, I was productive in the old and new studios yesterday. I started four customer bags, had a customer come and pick up (the last one in the old studio), labeled the boys with painters tape, cleaned a buttload more and when Jim got home we transferred the pressing table and Ellie into the new digs...

It looks all alone
All the stuff under the big machines are settled along the walls to not be in the way of frame construction when the boys come up Saturday. 

Ellie (the sewing machine at the end of the pressing table) may end up getting moved depending on how close DW ends up along that stretch of rail. She'll have to go in that far corner over there by the tall skinny window. 

Since I'll be on the road today and down in Ohio, I'll be closed. Obviously. But have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

We Passed!

We've been given our occupancy permit and the final inspection went relatively well. Just a few things he mentioned that he wasn't going to sight us for that needed to be done. The beam and the outside supports on the porch need to be boosted to 2x8's. 

And, since I'm leaving tomorrow for Cincinnati, I had yesterday and then today to get the big machines cleaned out (all that stuff underneath them). Wow, do I have a dirty job. So (so, so, so) many dust bunnies and lint. And I'm not putting dirty stuff out into my beautiful new studio. 

It took all day to get the spare bedroom cleaned out (quilts in wait, quilts to be picked up, and batting) and underneath DW done. I'm tackling Bernie this morning.

Not quite finished yet, but enough for now

There will be a shelf above these to store packaged batt
All clean underneath!

In between all of that I had a customer come and drop off, calls coming in, and the inspector. 

In the early evening I was pretty tired of walking back and forth from the main house out to the new studio, so I decided to do some thing fun and more sit-down-ish. I started four bags and made eight more blocks...

This is one of those "time killer" projects. Just some blocks to eat up the stash and stick into small time slots when there isn't a lot of time (or energy) to work. I also made one customer bag and started four more. I have admin stuff to do today as well as packing for the trip so I better get to it. I'm sure going to miss the big machines for the next almost week. Am I whining? You bet! I love long arming!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Final Days

We are approaching the final days for me to be in the "old" studio. Today I'll be removing Kathy's quilt from Bernie and then both machines will be empty until next Monday. The packing and labeling begins IF we pass our final inspection today.

The only way this will change is if we don't pass inspection. I may throw a small something or another onto one of the machines to get done before I leave on Thursday. 

Here's some of the quilting in Kathy's quilt...

So pretty!
I am expecting a customer later this morning to drop off but that's about it. It's bitter sweet leaving the old studio. I've enjoyed the views and sunshine; the falling snow and rains, and the wildlife I get to watch. But I quickly outgrew the space and it's time for a shift. While all those windows were nice, it was also a distraction. I found my self wool gathering at times watching the critters scurry, swim, and fly in their daily life. 

I will still have large windows facing the lake, but not as broad of a view as I do now. However, while I was polyurethaning the floor, found the new space has very good juju and am looking forward to starting the next chapter in Quilting at the Lake. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

No Small Project

Polyurethaning the new floor is not a small project. The first coat went down Saturday; the second yesterday. It stinks very much bad in here because temps last night were in the low 40's and we had to shut up the house. 

But, this too shall pass. We have our first final inspection tomorrow. Here's crossing our fingers. 

Before on the left, after on the right
Here it is with the second coat...
Isn't it pretty?
Jim worked on the risers while I was second coating yesterday...

The closet exterior walls are complete and the beam is nearly enclosed as well. Tonight his task is window and door trim work as well as a hanger or two on the pipe between the house and the septic tank.

I'll be finishing Kathy's quilt today and then starting to prepare for the move. Not too much in case our inspection goes south but enough that I'm not overwhelmed on Tuesday night and Wednesday. I have one customer coming to both drop off and pick up today. Happy Monday. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Not Quite Right

Disappointment is looming over me today. Took the APQS Lenni for a test drive last night and I must say I'm not impressed. The machine is loud. The pebbles looked awful. The machine fought with me the whole time so I'm going to have to pass on this machine.

Jim found a Gammill for sale up in West Branch and we're trying to get up to see it, but the guy has already had one looker and another scheduled for later today. 

We have a 1,000 things to do today to prepare for our final inspection and probably should not be chasing around looking at long arms, so if this doesn't work out, that's probably the direction we're supposed to go.

No Pics today as all that was done in the studio was long arming Kathys quilt, which isn't done. Yet.

Friday, May 3, 2024

All Of a Sudden

I looked up yesterday while working and all of a sudden the leaves were starting to pop out, our neighbors apple tree is in full bloom, and the grass shot up in the girls' pen a mile. Spring has sprung.

Lots going on today. Customer coming to get her quilt. I'm working on Kathy's quilt on Bernie; I finished Linda's yesterday and did capture this little bit of quilting in it...

Can you see the Poinsettias? 
Here's some of the quilting going into Kathy's quilt...

Clean sashing/border lines
Once I got done working on the big machines, I went outside and mowed the girls' pen and then headed to the flower garden just off the driveway. We call it the rail fence garden. Where did all that crab grass come from anyway? 

After I finished that long project I came in and pulled out the new rulers I had purchased at Country Stitches last weekend...

These looked like fun
This is how I'm going to use up some of the scraps in the dresser that seem to be multiplying in there. I'm starting with a green/blue/teal quilt first. Here's the first four blocks I completed. 
Aren't these fun?
These can be set in a pattern or just randomly. I'll see what I get when I'm done to decide on how they'll end up. 

Meanwhile, while I was doing all of that, Jim has been working on the closet the past two days. Here's where he ended last night before running out of wood...

So stinkin' cool!
The door in the back is just being stored there until he can get it hung. It's not actually part of the closet. 

Tonight we have to head to Midland and I'm hoping to visit my third machine. I have left her a message and until she commits to us coming over, I won't know for sure if that's in the cards or not. I sure hope so because I have a lead on another machine in West Branch which is less costly than the one in Midland.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


Ya can't pick family can ya? A very disconcerting conversation with my father yesterday left me in kind of  a funk. It's a good thing I didn't have any customers come over or even call. I would have been kind of a downer to talk to. 

Anywho...the pics I've taken of Linda's quilt aren't showing squat so I'll just show what I did after long arming all day...

All finished!
I have to get a dowel and have a small hole drilled on each side to be able to hang this on the side of our trailer during reunion, but I have plenty of time since that's not until July.

More work on Lindas quilt today. I have one customer coming to pick up later and it's a gorgeous spring day out there to enjoy company and work. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Every once in a while I have to update the blog, or the web site, or my IG account. I like doing it but when it's only done every once in a while, I have to refer back to my notes to remember just how to do it. Is this an aging thing?

Here's what's on DW today...

Christmas Poinsettia
Another Linda McGibbon creation from Lakeside Quilting. She is so darn talented. And, of course, since Island Batiks has a deadline on Linda, that means it passes down to me. 

Here's what's on Bernie...

Kathy's very serious owl
This piece won't even get basted in until I get Linda's poinsettia done because of our time crunch. But it's there and ready for me to work when I'm ready to dive into it.

And then, there's yard work. It's was decently nice yesterday afternoon, though a bit on the chilly side. Since we had a break in our spring rains, and since we've had so much rain, the lawn decided to explode. Push mowed the back yard, started weed wacking, and then Jim fired up my rider. Spent the next couple of hours mowing the entire yard. 

After I had enough yard work for one day (I mean, let's not get crazy the first time out), I came in and worked a little on the "Welcome" sign for our camper. All the blanket stitching is done and the next step is straight line quilting the piece on the DSM. It's all marked and ready to go for whenever I can get to it. 

Nobody expected today so should have a pretty productive day on the big machine. 💖

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...