Monday, May 13, 2024

Good Morning Studio!

The new studio is now operational. I only have the electrical stuff to plug in (big machines, chargers, rewinder, sewing machines), but everything is moved in!

This looks much different than Thursday...

Settling in
Despite being exhausted from the trip back from Cincinnati yesterday, as soon as mom was on her way back to her place, I quickly got the laundry started, unpacked, and then headed into the new studio. 

It only took a few hours to settle in and I was off and running. Here's what's on DW today (and the next few days since this is a time sensitive situation)...
Linda's latest
I'm going to be playing batting roulette with this one because I'm using the leftover wool from her previous quilt and it's going to be really tight. 

But I'm nervous to get out there. Or maybe just so excited I'm making myself nervous. We had some leveling issues with DW last night and I hope he doesn't pull a Bernie with me constantly having to be attended to. I think they just need to settle into their new homes and hopefully this constant shifting will stop. 

Meanwhile, I have to figure out the music situation. And, despite having about a million wall outlets out there, am having a hard time finding charging places for the iPad and the work phone. But I'll think about that while I'm quilting today. 

The studio isn't done by any means. Little things here and there and a few big exterior projects still need to be tackled, but it's functioning and today will be the first day of my normal life for the foreseeable future. 😊

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