Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Welcome Foster!

We have the final piece put in place in the new studio. Well, equipment-wise anyway. There's still work that needs to happen structurally but as far as my end goes, I'm all set. 

Here's the new (and final) addition...

His name is Foster
I had never seen this particular machine before (though worked on another Forte in Utah). I didn't test drive it. I bought it sight unseen but was confident in my dealer and moreover, the Handi Quilter name. I loaded him up as soon as Jim and I got him all together and other than getting adjusted to button locations on the handlebars, it'll be a smooth transition from machine to machine. 

Moves like glass on his rails
This was my very first attempt at using him. Not bad? I wanted to play more, but we had a nasty thunderstorm heading our way and frankly, with all the excitement of him coming, I was pooped out. And I feel like I'm coming down with something. AGAIN! Of course, we visit the grandkids and I come home with something yucky.

Foster was supposed to come with a ruler base, but that did not happen so I need to contact my dealer about it. And it looks like, since this machine was a floor demo, he was pretty much stripped of some of his external frame parts; side clamps and batting bar. His "welcome" box had only some brief instructions and four bobbins. Far less than what he was supposed to come with. But most of that stuff I already have around here. 

There are two things I need to order for him that were not included in his purchase: a) Red Snappers. I will NOT pin to my leaders (too clumsy), and b) Anti-Fatigue mats. I don't absolutely need those right now, but will need them in the near future. 

Jim and I did not work on the gable siding last night because we were putting Foster together and then he got called out on a "smells gas" call. And, again, storms coming in.

Here's what I'll start with today on DW...

Cheryl's second quilt
This is going to get a free hand free motion hook swirl. DW drove all of yesterday on those individual blocks in her first quilt so I'll give the computer a break. Plus, I'm faster. 

No customers or deliveries expected today except maybe a roll of Hobbs Batting; not a customer, just a delivery.😆

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