Thursday, May 9, 2024

Cincinnati Bound

Mom and I are heading to Cincinnati today for the weekend. She'll be able to spend Mothers Day weekend with both her kids and see my brothers house for the very first time; they've only lived in this house for about eight years already. 

Meanwhile, I was productive in the old and new studios yesterday. I started four customer bags, had a customer come and pick up (the last one in the old studio), labeled the boys with painters tape, cleaned a buttload more and when Jim got home we transferred the pressing table and Ellie into the new digs...

It looks all alone
All the stuff under the big machines are settled along the walls to not be in the way of frame construction when the boys come up Saturday. 

Ellie (the sewing machine at the end of the pressing table) may end up getting moved depending on how close DW ends up along that stretch of rail. She'll have to go in that far corner over there by the tall skinny window. 

Since I'll be on the road today and down in Ohio, I'll be closed. Obviously. But have a great weekend!

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...