Monday, May 6, 2024

No Small Project

Polyurethaning the new floor is not a small project. The first coat went down Saturday; the second yesterday. It stinks very much bad in here because temps last night were in the low 40's and we had to shut up the house. 

But, this too shall pass. We have our first final inspection tomorrow. Here's crossing our fingers. 

Before on the left, after on the right
Here it is with the second coat...
Isn't it pretty?
Jim worked on the risers while I was second coating yesterday...

The closet exterior walls are complete and the beam is nearly enclosed as well. Tonight his task is window and door trim work as well as a hanger or two on the pipe between the house and the septic tank.

I'll be finishing Kathy's quilt today and then starting to prepare for the move. Not too much in case our inspection goes south but enough that I'm not overwhelmed on Tuesday night and Wednesday. I have one customer coming to both drop off and pick up today. Happy Monday. 

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