Monday, June 10, 2024

Not Even A Small Project

Yesterday was a rare day; NO work in the studio. At all.

Jim and I did a little shopping in the morning. We didn't get home until well after lunch time. Made a nice stir-fry and then we basically napped and watched movies the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes a person needs that recharge. 

I did, however, finish my Dream Big quilt on Foster on Saturday...

I love doing these things!
All I need to do is trim and bind and it'll be one less in the to-do totes.

Gwen's quilt is first up this morning on DW. I'm frame ironing on Bernie for Deb B. and while it's a sunny day out there, it's actually kinda cold this morning; low 50's. Feels more like a fall morning than an early summer morning. I have the heat on in both the main house and the studio. Happy Monday. 

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