Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Phone Issues

My work phone is a piece of crap. Moms phone has her locked out. She spent over two hours at Best Buy with the Geek Squad trying to get it unlocked. I'm taking up the back end of this here at the house; mom doesn't have a computer.

Most of yesterday afternoon was spent working on it and I'm still waiting to hear back from Apple to reset everything. Technology will cripple us if we let it.

Meanwhile, I worked on Gails quilt until mom arrived and still don't have it done. We have thunderstorms this morning so not sure how much I'll get done it until they pass later today.  

I did get the borders on the yellow/orange quilt...

The black finishes it nicely
Then I found more blocks hanging out down there in the table and put this together...
Cute kids quilt
I think I'm through all the orphan blocks. I remembered, later last night, I haven't worked my BOM with Sew Very Easy in a few months and that'll be the next task on the sewing machine; I'm at least two months behind.

I updated my hours for the month of July. I'll be closed July 4th and 5th as well as the following Thursday and Friday (DeGroot Family Reunion); July 11th and 12th. 

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